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i got your back on this philosophy.

we are important. we are insignificant. it is a rare and wonderful chance that we are here, our being here will have no significant impact on the rest of the universe.

hmm... that monty python song comes to mind.

i like to think that we will be insignificant now, but later, we will make sweeping changes to the very fabric of spacetime. we'll see. next week maybe. maybe next eon.

now what do we do with this information? what if we found out for sure that humans won't really do anything with this edge of the galaxy? would we dip into anarchy? would we be infused with love for one another, knowing we are all there is? we would probably keep trudging along, doing what we do best.

Fuddlemiff said:
CaptainWacky said:
the world ends when you can no longer perceive it
A midget got on the lift today at uni. the doors opened and at first it seemed no one was there.

Did you get that off someone's MSN title?

Does sound like something a 14-17 year old girl would have as an msn screen name.
Mentalist said:
It's true that energy cannot be destroyed and that in this respect some part of the essence that drives us will not simply disappear. We are the universe made sentient and able to experience itself, and we will go back to being part of the encompassing universe when our cells decide that we're just not going to reproduce any more and we're no longer worth the effort. Humans are a self-centered bunch and we believe that we must have some cosmic significance beyond the natural progression of the cosmos.

I have my doubts, I'm just not sure how important anything we do is. It's important to us but set against the ultimate illimitable state of reality we don't seem to do much. Then again "life" is a mystery itself. When you look at the vastness of the cosmos the odds of being the arrangement of matter that is made sentient right here, right now is impossible to comprehend. In that way our very being is the impossible side of improbable.

Ponder the importance of sentience and whether there is another force in the multiverse that deems us in some way worth preserving and it's possible I guess.

I'm not really that much of a nihilist though.

Our brains cannot really handle the thought of death at all. We think we can but we are always looking in from the outside at the possibility and we never truly accept the fact that it will happen to us. I imagine this is true even for those that commit suicide or are terminally ill. They think they have accepted death but the brain shields us continually until the very moment when it releases a flood of DMT to soften the state-of-shock that the process ultimately produces.

We are nothing but a snapshot of the grand design..... Maybe.


Together the midget force defend Castle Midgetskull from the evil forces of....... SIMON MAYO!
