Looks like the Thor movie is going to suck.


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Norse mythology gets a multi-cultural remake in the upcoming movie titled “Thor,” by Marvel studios. It’s not enough that Marvel attacks conservative values and promotes the left-wing, now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin.

It seems that Marvel Studios believes that white people should have nothing that is unique to themselves. An upcoming movie, based on the comic book Thor, will give Norse mythology an insulting multi-cultural make-over. One of the Gods will be played by Hip Hop DJ Idris Elba.

Marvel has a history of advocating for the left-wing. In early 2010 they even used their Captain America comic to attack the TEA Party movement. Marvel front man Stan "Lee" Lieber personally funds left-wing political candidates. Now Marvel has inserted left-wing social engineering into European mythology, casting a black man to play a Norse deity.

The online campaign to boycott Thor by Marvel Studios has begun. Visit Boycott-Thor.com
Like I said somewhere else, if he was playing a viking they would have a point, now if someone can tell me what colour a god should be I'd be interested to see the proof.
Like I said somewhere else, if he was playing a viking they would have a point, now if someone can tell me what colour a god should be I'd be interested to see the proof.

Um, there's this little book called "THE BIBLE" where it clearly says that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is white.
I'm only disappointed they didn't cast you as Loki, I thought you would have been a shoe in.
I wonder if MC Hammer will make an appearance just as Thor picks up his magical hammer and say "Ha.." and not even get chance to say his catchphrase before he is hammered in the ground.
Well they let David Carradine play a Chinaman and white guys have been playing indians for years, so what's the big deal now?

I'm pretty sure with Obama in the White House all major movie roles have to go to blacks anyway. Next Year they're doing the Hill Cumorah with Fifty Cent and Naz... P Diddy is playing Brigham Young.
I can't wait for the remake of American History X under these new rules. That should make things interesting.
Should make for some interesting jokes after Thor comes out though: Why does Heimdall stand forever watching at the Rainbow Bridge?

Answer: Because he can't get a cab to stop and pick him up!
