Lord Kookoo!


New Member
The following people have PMed me asking how they can get in touch with you, so as to lick your feet and worship you forever:


I'm certain your majesty shall give them the attention they so badly crave.

Lord Kookoo

New Member
Messenger said:
The following people have PMed me asking how they can get in touch with you, so as to lick your feet and worship you forever:


I'm certain your majesty shall give them the attention they so badly crave.

Of course. Lord Kookoo feels sorry for these poor souls. Masterless, they need Lord Kookoo to give their pointless, empty little lives a reason to exist. I shall immediately go over and minister to these poor freaks, in the hope that it might be possible to help them.


New Member
Lord Kookoo said:
Of course. Lord Kookoo feels sorry for these poor souls. Masterless, they need Lord Kookoo to give their pointless, empty little lives a reason to exist. I shall immediately go over and minister to these poor freaks, in the hope that it might be possible to help them.
Thank you.


New Member
He is what's called a 'jack-stalker' or 'jackdancer.' When he posts neutral things, I am indifferent. When he showers this board with more mindless anti-jack vitriol, of which we have all gotten very tired of, I'm annoyed.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
:bigass: I love you, Lil


New Member
Lilith said:
Hey now Messe,behave yourself, I approve of Wisdom.

Good to know, cuz your boy Messy just lied like a rug about me PMing him.

Who'z your buddy? The one who isn't lying. :D


New Member
Wisdom said:
Good to know, cuz your boy Messy just lied like a rug about me PMing him.
It's true.


New Member
Messenger said:
He is what's called a 'jack-stalker' or 'jackdancer.' When he posts neutral things, I am indifferent. When he showers this board with more mindless anti-jack vitriol, of which we have all gotten very tired of, I'm annoyed.

Calling people "jack-stalker" or "jackdancer" is NOT neutral.

You are now a jacksniffer.

Once you choose the Jack path, forever will your destiny be silly.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


New Member
Wisdom said:
Calling people "jack-stalker" or "jackdancer" is NOT neutral.

You are now a jacksniffer.

Once you choose the Jack path, forever will your destiny be silly.
That's right, because in this world, there are only those people who utterly loathe him, or those who worship him and 'lick' and 'sniff' him, right?

Sounds a tad psychotic, and reminiscient of the War on Terror.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sounds like lack of contact with people, especially females.


New Member
Wisdom said:
Calling people "jack-stalker" or "jackdancer" is NOT neutral.
You mean we can't call a spade a spade?

Jack has been called a lot of things. Even if they were all true, you're still the person stalking this 'vile gnome.'

Who's better off again?


New Member
Messenger said:
That's right, because in this world, there are only those people who utterly loathe him, or those who worship him and 'lick' and 'sniff' him, right?

No no, I'm sure it's the jacklicker thing. You're licking his scrote like a creamsicle. You may as well be his dual for how often you defend him.

Hat of Ass, you.


New Member
MessengerX said:
Who's better off again?

You post here and ask THAT?

I see, you're all still pissed because you "invaded" Comicon last year, and nobody gave a shit.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeah everyone's harboring old grudges :bigass: especially those who weren't involved in the invasion :)


New Member
Wisdom said:
I see, you're all still pissed because you "invaded" Comicon last year, and nobody gave a shit.
I didn't get involved in the Comicon invasion, you fucking numbskull, but it seems you have enough issues with that to bring it up.