Lord Kookoo!


New Member
MessengerX said:
I didn't get involved in the Comicon invasion, you fucking numbskull, but it seems you have enough issues with that to bring it up.

You misread. I said NOBODY GAVE A SHIT. As in "somebody was here? oh."

Are you gonna troll me now? I want to be ready so I don't miss it.


New Member
Wisdom said:
No no, I'm sure it's the jacklicker thing. You're licking his scrote like a creamsicle. You may as well be his dual for how often you defend him.
I don't defend him. I attempt to point out your stupidity in showering him with attention. You thinking that I defend him only further betrays your pathological obsession with him.

If you really wanted to get at him, you would create a dual, and put some fucking effort into not revealing who you are.

Wisdom said:
You misread. I said NOBODY GAVE A SHIT. As in "somebody was here? oh."
No one has mentioned the Comicon invasion for ages. You brought it up. So much for not giving a shit.

Are you gonna troll me now? I want to be ready so I don't miss it.
You won't know it, because you're an ineffectual noob who knows nothing about trolling, or flaming, for that matter.

Your dual skilz are even weaker. How long did it take for jack to identify you? :roll:


New Member
MessengerX said:
I don't defend him. I attempt to point out your stupidity in showering him with attention. You thinking that I defend him only further betrays your pathological obsession with him.

If you really wanted to get at him, you would create a dual, and put some fucking effort into not revealing who you are.

No one has mentioned the Comicon invasion for ages. You brought it up. So much for not giving a shit.

You won't know it, because you're an ineffectual noob who knows nothing about trolling, or flaming, for that matter.

Your dual skilz are even weaker. How long did it take for jack to identify you? :roll:

Could you be MORE self-involved?

You don't make the rules, I do. I've known Jack for over 6 years, long before you feebs ever heard of him.

Buy yourself a clue. I'll wait, I brought a book!


New Member
Wisdom said:
You don't make the rules, I do.
Sure, that's why you've registered at Troll Kingdom. Because you make the rules!


Dr Fuckofff

New Member



New Member
MessengerX said:
Sure, that's why you've registered at Troll Kingdom. Because you make the rules!


Finally you're starting to get it.

I'm entertained. You're... whatever.


New Member
Wisdom said:
Finally you're starting to get it.

I'm entertained. You're... whatever.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, one more time for the retarded...who is it exactly that I'm still posting currently at at Comicon?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I mean this is the point. I haven't been there in ages, months, and you've been insisting that I'm Kim Nyholm, or Guy Grander, or anyone else that's pointed out what a hypocritical loser you've been over there.

And now over here.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
They don't have real women post at Commie, so that's why they act like that.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hellman is rarely funny.


beer, I want beer
Lord Kookoo said:
Of course. Lord Kookoo feels sorry for these poor souls. Masterless, they need Lord Kookoo to give their pointless, empty little lives a reason to exist. I shall immediately go over and minister to these poor freaks, in the hope that it might be possible to help them.

You wish to 'help' me? Well I do need one thing... let me show you. *unzips my fly and yanks out my huge dong* There you go. You could suck me dry. No holding back now. You know you want to do it. 'Minister' to me bitch!