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Lost 3x01.

I think they did something to Danielle to make her crazy. Maybe everytime she gets near them they send the polar bear after her.
Maybe she got so insane that by the time she saw teh villiage, she so doubted her own sences she asumed she must have imagined it
^Yeah, but they make such nice sandwiches.

Danielle could've been lying about never having seen the Others, although it didn't seem like it at the time. Maybe she just wasn't any interest to them. She could've been completely unimportant. One of the extras who's only ever seen in the background. I'm sure plenty of Losties haven't seen an Other.

Also, judging by what we saw of the island at the end of the teaser, the Others live in a chunk of the island quite far from her. I got the impression she lived somewhere between the places where the front and tail of the plane crashed. The others are far to the west of all that, according to that map BDM posted.
I can't keep all of that straight, but don't you think she would've scoured the island looking for Alex over the years? The island is big, but when Henry sent those two guys (can't remember their names) to the crash to pretend to be passengers he said they should have plenty of time to get there.
I don't believe that. For a start she SHOT HIM WITH AN ARROW. Okay so so she didn't kill him, but how did he know she wouldn't? Then Sayid and Ana Lucia both came close to killing Henry. If he meant to get captured that it was an awfully risky plan.
Well he is a bit bonkers. It doesn't seem like the lead Other would be careless enough to get caught by Danielle after 16 years of his entire group completely evading her.
Danielle could have been working with the otehrs then, the arrow having been fired at point blank range, much like Micheal was forced to work for them to get his sun back, maybe they toy with Danielle with the promis of getting Alex back, to keep feeding the losties missinformation
Danielle is an undercover operator, a facilitator. The Lost faction trusts her even though she appears to be insane. Because she is insane, they don't particularly want her to join the group. She comes and goes as she pleases. Interesting when she shows up - the Lost faction needs a thing , they've become complacent and need a little ratcheting, she brings them an Other - then she is just as quickly gone.

If her story were true - that the Others took Alex, she'd have kept Henry for herself and tortured him until he said what she wanted to hear or took her to Alex. She was adamant that he would lie but how would she know that? In her first appearance, she told Sayid she'd not seen the Others, just heard whispering in the woods.

What has happened to the Lost people that the Others took first - the so called "good ones", especially the children? Perhaps they took the children and the ones that wouldn't make good rats in their maze. All of the ones left have factors from their past the Others can use to jerk them around. Consider the people that sat in the observation unit Locke found where the reports were put in a tube and sent into an empty field. The observers thought they were watching and reporting on a test group not realizing they were at least a test group themselves.