Lost spoiler on FlashForward?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Just read this on scifi wire.


Remember last season's Lost cliffhanger, in which (sorry, but there's a spoiler coming, so if you don't want to read it, you'd better look away right now) Jack hoped that by detonating a hydrogen bomb on the island, he'd be able to prevent the crash of Oceanic Flight 815? Well, some sharp-eyed viewers spotted a billboard in the background of a scene during the FlashForward season premiere which seems to indicate that's exactly what happened, and have been speculating about it over at the ABC message boards.
Wrote feetsdr:

OK, so we all saw the Oceanic billboard. Really cute. But did you read it? The top line says 'Perfect Safety Record'. What's up with that?

To which SpectreNUT replied:

The "perfect safety record" ties in with the fact that Season 6 is going to start out with the "alternate timeline" as if the plane never crashed. The Bomb was detonated by Jack at the end of Season 5 and theoretically that was supposed to change everything. So, based on THAT premise, Oceanic's record WOULD BE PERFECT.

We have no inside information as to whether this theorizing is correct, or whether the series' creators are just playing with our minds ... but it seems to indicate that when Lost returns in January, we'll get to see what it would have been like had Oceanic Flight 815 successfully touched down at its destination. And more than that, it gives us an additonal reason to watch FlashForward, if only to be on the lookout for further Lost clues!

Those fuckers must have REALLY sharp eyes, I never see stuff like that. (click the link to see the screen shot) I can't make anything out on that billboard other than the airplane and if I squint I can read Oceanic.


Is this real life?
Bound to be just a little joke. Would be really amazing if they launched a spin off to Lost right under everyone's noses without them realising, though, eh? ;)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
That would be really cool.


I want to smell dark matter
Well, I've heard rumours...

Season six of Lost will start with an alternative timeline where the plane didn't crash. That's why Charlie, Boone, Shannon and other dead characters are returning.


Pinata Whacker
Well, I've heard rumours...

Season six of Lost will start with an alternative timeline where the plane didn't crash. That's why Charlie, Boone, Shannon and other dead characters are returning.

The rumours are true. I saw an article about this on Syfy.com and all the comments stated that this was old news and that it was confirmed at Comic Con that Lost's 6th season will begin with the alternate timeline.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think Charlie is gonna be in FlashForward, maybe that's why they stuck the Lost Easter egg in there!


I want to smell dark matter
Penny from Lost is in it too (was she in the first episode?)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, she was in the first ep. a lot, she's the FBI dude's wife.


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Not yet!


Retired Account
lost = dead everybody

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^So the shows can't be connected, and the Oceanic billboard was just a shout-out, much like Fring had a shout-out to X-Files in the season premiere.

Who cares? Lost is easy to figure out, they're all in purgatory. FACT.


I want to smell dark matter
It's just a tv show.