
My dislike for both shows is known. However I think I'm going with Lost because its BS was generally more interesting than BSG's BS.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Lost managed to be mostly enjoyable and interesting until the end of season 5. 6 was mostly shit and the ending was horrible, but that beats BSG, which became utter crap quickly following its strong first season.


Is this real life?
Lost's finale was a lot more satisfying, but as a whole I enjoyed BSG way more. I never got too attached with either series' characters, though.


Registered User
Well, I quit watching Lost back in season 2, and watched all of BSG, so!

Narratively, both series' creators were obviously making it up as they went along, but BSG's writers were wiser than Lost's in that they never introduced more stuff than they intended to resolve. Point to BSG.


Boobie inspector
Your point is negated by the fact you didnt see all the stuff from season 3-6 that did show they knew where they were going.

In fact there are elements of season two that only make sence after seeing season 5 and 6.

Sure, they might not have had every single line of dialogue and every character locked down, and they had to change a few things due to actors being better/worse/being a shit behind scenes/drunk driving, but overall the big stuff was there all along.

The show got progressivly more sci fi from the 3rd series onwards, I think if you had stuck with it you might be giving a different answer now.


I want to smell dark matter
I refuse to vote.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I loved both shows.

Further if you hated both shows, why did you watch them?


I watched BSG because it was sci-fi and for the first one and a half seasons extremely compelling. I felt the show jumped the shark when Roslin's cancer was magically cured by cylon nanoprobes and was consistently disappointed with it since. The New Caprica arc at the beginning of the third season and Crossroads at the end however were so good that each time I had high hopes for a return to form in the following episodes. However to me this did not happen and the show did not end well.

The only reason I watched Lost was because my girlfriend is obsessed with it and we usually watch episodes together. For the most part we have similar opinions when it comes to TV shows (such as BSG) but not this time. However while she still loves the show and is already planning to watch it all over again she was disappointed with the finale for reasons similar to my own.

Besides, I've put up with far worse shows anyways (Voyager, Atlantis), and it is not like I usually have much better to do.


Registered User
Your point is negated by the fact you didnt see all the stuff from season 3-6 that did show they knew where they were going.

In fact there are elements of season two that only make sence after seeing season 5 and 6.

Sure, they might not have had every single line of dialogue and every character locked down, and they had to change a few things due to actors being better/worse/being a shit behind scenes/drunk driving, but overall the big stuff was there all along.

The show got progressivly more sci fi from the 3rd series onwards, I think if you had stuck with it you might be giving a different answer now.

No, I understand that the show had sci-fi elements, and that they were constantly trumped up as being important, but, from everything I know, those elements were nothing more than diversions from the Jacob/MiB faith-science struggle thing. Sure, they spent a season time travelling, but at the end, they blow up a nuke, come back to 2007, and, that's it. Time travel didn't matter to the overarching plot or the mystery of the Island, it was a thing the characters did for a season. Same for DHARMA - at the end of the day, their role in the plot was, what, a red herring for a season or two, and then "some scientists investigated the Island - they found that it was weird," but they didn't play a role in the final season, really.

The Lost writers were very good at introducing new plot lines all the time that would dazzle you, but so few of them were actually necessary to the narrative they wanted to build. You loved the show where you get wild misdirection that keeps you on your toes every other episode, and, yes, it's about the characters and all that good stuff, but it just wasn't the show I wanted to watch.


It started sci-fi but turned to fantasy at the end when they realized they did not know what the fuck was going on.

When they say they knew from the beginning how the show was going to end I think they must be referring specifically to the last scene where Jack closes his eye. A fairly obvious full circle ending but completely irrelevant to the plot as virtually anything could have happened in between as long as Jack stayed somewhat alive.

I'm starting to view Lost as episodic sci-fi/fantasy where the plots are drawn out over many episodes and interspersed with other mostly unrelated plots and character pieces. There was very little sense of progression on the show, and few things ever really changed. In the end, just like in the beginning, the main characters were trying to find a way off the island, a group of others were giving them trouble, and a flash-something narrative device was used to provide extra insight into the characters.

There was nothing stopping Jacob from laying out his reasons for bringing the candidates to the island and revealing the source of its power much earlier. He could have done it at the end of the first season and it would have made just as much sense (Locke goes into hatch after seeing bright light, finds Jacob, cave of light and smokey are explained, everyone shares a beer, next season probably much more interesting).

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I'd hate to read a story written by you, with every single plot motivation and explanation written on the first page so people don't have to use their brains and think about things.


Registered User
I'd hate to read a story written by you, with every single plot motivation and explanation written on the first page so people don't have to use their brains and think about things.

Come on, that's caricaturing what people wanting a more well-defined plot actually want. It's possible to have a long-term plot thought out and built up to that plot's eventual climax without having it be ultra-predictible and dumbed down.



I want to smell dark matter
She's cute.


Boobie inspector
I think its Veronica Mars, but not having seen the show I cant really say.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I just broke the tie, bithces.