Lucas Has Written 50 episodes of the new SWTV series...

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Nobody else, just him.
George Lucas Has 50 Hours Of Scripts For 'Star Wars' Series

By MIKE FLEMING | Tuesday May 31, 2011 @ 2:26pm EDT

George Lucas gave a long-winded explanation of why the re-release of the Star Wars prequel trilogy will be important, in an interview with G4's Attack of the Show. Personally, I was underwhelmed by the prequel and am not as sparked up for a 3D conversion as I would if The Lord of the Rings were being converted. But Lucas dropped a nugget that will have Star Wars fans salivating. He said that on his planned Star Wars TV series, he's got 50 completed scripts that are ready to go, if they can just find a way to chop down the cost of shooting them. That's a lot of Star Wars, and Lucas seems determined to find a way to get them done. Here's the interview:

Click here for G4 video
And of course, every comment under the article is either begging him to let someone else do the writing, or to just stop beating this horse for good. And the beat goes on.


I want to smell dark matter
Where does he say he peronsally wrote all fifty scripts? He just says he "has" fifty scripts. I think it's pretty likely they weren't all written by him (if any were.) I would imagine his involvement would be similar to Clone Wars where he oversees all aspects of the production but the episodes are actually written and directed by other people.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Maybe the author and/or commenters are jumping to conclusions. OR I AM.

Either way, it's a longshot that the show will ever see air.


I want to smell dark matter
"It sits on the shelf. We have 50 hours [written], and we're just waiting to figure out a different way of making movies – a different technology that we can use that will make it economically feasible to shoot the show. Right now, it looks like the Star Wars features, but we have to figure out a way of making it for about a tenth the cost of the features, because it's television. And we're working toward that and we're continuing to work toward that and we will get there at some point."

Was the actual quote people are jumping to conclusions about. He doesn't say he wrote fifty scripts himself.


I want to smell dark matter
Ron Moore's looking for work (again)...


Is this real life?
Yeah, sure, if you want Star Wars to turn into some crazy story about a bunch of clones and robots and space fighter pilots, being protected by a mysterious force that's never explained in detail, and occasionally given advice by ghosts that only they can see. :eek:hwell:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Also Two and a Half Men, where everybody took their marching orders from a paranoid, syphilitic cokehead with a god complex.

Same thing, yes?


I want to smell dark matter


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Star Wars is Lucas's Cash Cow. As long are there are people willing to fork over insane amounts of money to keep those episodes coming, Lucas is going to give it to the ton!

Just like Star Trek. There are people out there that know every line, of every character from every episode ever made :hmmm:

Star Trek started back in the early 1960's.. and is still going strong to this very day! Hell, half the people that created Star Trek are all long dead, and it's followers are still clawing for more!


I want to smell dark matter
Thanks for that valuable insight.


Is this real life?
It can be just as much about wanting to complete his story as it is about money. I mean, he must get more money in royalties every year than he could possibly spend on the upkeep of the largest house or the fanciest private plane (the usual reasons that apparently rich celebs have to keep working). Star Wars is everywhere. And besides, he's shown that his heart's in creativity and not mass appeal with THX 1138.

As for Matthew Graham writing for the show, it seems like a positive move. I mean, his recent Doctor Who eps were okay (they had some great moments and a different take on a familiar scifi trope, but they didn't blow me away or anything), but it shows the kind of direction Lucas might be trying to head in. More layers, perhaps some mystery, questioning the psychology of the characters, etc, rather than simple action adventure with a love story thrown in.


I want to smell dark matter
There was a report years ago that Lucas wanted RTD to be showrunner (I think it came from RTD's book actually?) but thankfully he turned it down.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts