Troll Kingdom

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Luci loses his mind


New member
What was left of it, anyway.

I see the GOD ADMIN of this fake version of TROLL WARS has seen fit to change my Username. This is all they can do to stop the great SAINTLUCIFER. Such pettiness are the result of a childlike mind. This has been done to me before by angry Admins from whom I have wrested control of their forums. All in all, the tactic is old hat. I was not the least bit surprised the TK'er administering this site took it upon himself to 'troll' me by simply changing my username. Alas, I remain albeit under a ridiculous username.

No doubt the TK'er from whom I had begun to wrest control of this forum was so angered by my actions he decided it was time to take me on the only way he knew how and about which I could do absolutely nothing - change my username. Applaud him everyone! Someone within a free site has found a way to 'control' the great SAINTLUCIFER! Now, now people. Let us forget that this is the ONLY way such an individual could ever hope to 'better' one as great as I. What one seems to be forgetting is the very interesting fact that ANYONE who has created his/her own forum thus giving him/herself control of the same is capable of pulling this same stunt henceforth it is, contrary to belief, not a valid 'troll'. No doubt I expect TROLL WARRIO / TK DENIZEN to romp about TROLL KINGDOM shouting from the rooftops 'I have trolled the great SAINTLUCIFER! Never should we mind semantics about how it is only from within a forum I created in order to manage such a feat! Let us look past that most obvious fact! The bottom line is I TROLLED him!! Hooray for me! Let the name of TROLLWARRIOR ring the hallowed halls of TROLL KINGDOM forevermore as the one who bitchslapped the great SAINTLUCIFER!'

Upon review of the threads within TROLL KINGDOM, I have discovered that TROLLWARRIOR has indeed been heaping praise upon his person for this act of cowardice. I find it odd that this occurred AFTER I called him on this site being a TK bait site. NO doubt this angered him simply because I discovered the ruse and called him on it. After posting that this was a TK bait site, I was immediately banned. Seems EDNA suffered the exact same fate although TROLLWARRIOR ran about TROLL KINGDOM claiming she was spamming the site. That is an outright lie. Not once did EDNA spam this site. She was banned out of spite for her posts championing the same thing I said - that this was a TROLL KINGDOM bait site. I could not care whether it was a bait site or not since I was pleased with he speed at which the software operated and the colours were somewhat better on the eyes unlike the darkness that was TROLL WARS. Even though I knew it was a TROLL KINGDOM spam site, I continued to post (all are welcome to review 'LULU's' posts) as I failed to care that it was a bait site. Thus far it was a forum site with what I deemed to be the fastest response time I have yet to run into (with one exception although I was IP banned from that site in particular).

I have a few ideas as to who TROLLWARRIOR is although due to my not being 100% certain I deem it unnecessary to post my theories, nor do I care who it is. I will neither explain how I came to know it was a TK'er although with one post I knew this was a TROLL KINGDOM bait site. One post and that was via one's username. I am sure you know who you are which is something I must discuss with an TROLL KINGDOM Admin. Perhaps it is possible to have your own Admin status at TROLL KINGDOM revoked. I shall probe TROLL KINGDOM to discover which of the Admins from that site has turned traitor. I also note that Admin who started this site was careful not to post too much information regarding me which was a dead giveaway. As I stated, my illness yesterday and the medication I was taking for it affected my alertness. Had this site been created on a day I was not ill, I would not even had sought to visit it.

I shall play the game temporarily to see what comes from this post. If the expected result comes up, I shall endeavour to remove myself from this site forever since I do not pander to childishness. I would therefore allow TROLLWARRIOR to believe he has successfully 'trollled' me. Give him a round of applause everyone!! *APPLAUDS* Well done oh great TROLLWARRIOR for 'defeating' me in the only manner you know how even if it meant 'cheating'. Ta!

Most interesting. The 'Admins' of this fake site have been very busy. The post where I bitchslapped RWC into the ground "SAINT LUCIFER - A PUBLIC TRAVESTY" has been deleted by TROLLWARRIO. Either RWC and this TROLLWARRIOR are working together (again with the combined forces against the great SAINTLUCIFER) to 'troll' my great self. I am certain many members of this site had seen the thread and would agree that I severely toasted RWC. It is even possible RWC is TROLLWARRIOR himself although I take it upon myself to stick with my original theory as to his identity. My post so burned RWC that I am absolutely certain he ran to his mommy crying like the bitch he is.

RWC? I made you my bitch and you know it. The beating you suffered as a result of my ingenius keystrokes was such that you needed the post deleted. As you are now resorting to not only changing the great SAINTLUCIFER's username, but you are also deleting his posts I have decided to take my leave of this site - FOREVER. There is no point in posting when everything will be deleted simply based upon your fear of my greatness. You need not shit in your pants any longer. I shall leave you and your bait site forever. Feel free to post in here about how you 'trolled' the great SAINTLUCIFER but do not forget to hide several truths - such as how you required Admin control to do it. MISSMANNERS, CAITRONA, HAMBIL to name a few could have managed the same. Oh you expert troll you TROLLWARRIOR. *points at the cowardly dipshit hiding behind his Admin power and laughs uproariously* Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

I bid this site adieu. FOREVER.

Messenger said:

Aw, poor guy is angry that I bitchslapped yet another site. Let me see. I OWNED TROLL KINGDOM. I OWNED TROLL WARS. I OWNED CHARAS. I OWNED WORDFORGE. I OWNED the bait site of TROLLWARRIOR. You know all this to be true and it angers you to no end. As a result, you have become obsessed with the great SAINTLUCIFER. Tch, tch. *pats you upon your faggot costumed back* There, there. Things will get better. Should you not be out looking for a job? I heard McDonald's is looking for new workers to keep filling their napkin and straw dispensers. You would fit right in.
SaintLucifer said:
Aw, poor guy is angry that I bitchslapped yet another site. Let me see. I OWNED TROLL KINGDOM. I OWNED TROLL WARS. I OWNED CHARAS. I OWNED WORDFORGE. I OWNED the bait site of TROLLWARRIOR.

Damn. The stench of FEAR on this forum is overpowering. I knew I had you all by the balls (and cunts lest I forget les mesdames). Even a concerted effort by MESSEDUP and half the site failed to take me on. I bitchslapped their combined 'might' and they know it. Poor children. I have no doubt many on this site have learned what I did to TROLLWARRIOR and RWC in the fake TW site. *beams with great pride*
FederalAgent007 said:
I told Sardy and Coyote Ugly who SaintLucifer was when he first start posting with the name. One thing is for sure............he is the closest I have ever come to the devil.

I agree.
Messenger said:

Yes. She shits her pants every time she posts in my direction. I know she knows I am not the individuals she claims I am. This frightens her. One need only review the thread in which I dealt with her. I was caught off guard thanks to my illness but when my drug-addled mind cleared up I took it to her. She ran out of TK like the wounded bitch she portrays. FEAR. That is all it is. She fears someone who is clearly capable of playing her own game and beating her at it. She needed 6 fellow TK'ers to assist her with that little game. I still OWNED her and she knows it. So does MESSEDUP hence his anger.
SaintLucifer said:
Yes. She shits her pants every time she posts in my direction. I know she knows I am not the individuals she claims I am. This frightens her. One need only review the thread in which I dealt with her. I was caught off guard thanks to my illness but when my drug-addled mind cleared up I took it to her. She ran out of TK like the wounded bitch she portrays. FEAR. That is all it is. She fears someone who is clearly capable of playing her own game and beating her at it. She needed 6 fellow TK'ers to assist her with that little game. I still OWNED her and she knows it. So does MESSEDUP hence his anger.

FUcking asshole.
Messenger said:

FUcking asshole.

*YAWN* The KHARMA guy is right you know? Everyone has seen you all take me on as a group and get your ass handed to you. Keep up the good work. NOT.
SaintLucifer said:
*YAWN* The KHARMA guy is right you know? Everyone has seen you all take me on as a group and get your ass handed to you. Keep up the good work. NOT.

Are you feeling better dear? Remember, juice, chicken soup and plenty of rest. Oh and stay warm.
