Mad Men 6x05 - 'The Flood'


I want to smell dark matter

I thought it was a good episode. I was just looking at some online discussions and half of them were saying it was an unrealistic portrayal of the reaction to MLK's death and the other half were saying it was actually pretty accurate thank you very much.

I like how Pete is a champion of civil rights even though he's a dick in all other areas.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Don Draper may be many things, but he is an awesome dad for taking Bobby to see Planet of the Apes twice in a row!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I started one but had to close my browser when some work came in.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Where were you when Martin Luther King was shot? Don Draper and Pete Campbell were listening to Paul Newman lecture a roomful of craven capitalists on what makes a good Democrat.


It's true that Pete has always been more forward thinking when it came to blacks, but I don't buy his moral outrage at Harry's insensitive (but typical of the period) rant. He was more acting out of his own (unexpected) guilt over ruining his family's life. But Harry is an ass whether he means to be or not, so it's easy for the office to believe it was all about him. I loved Cooper's Victorian sense of propriety and nobility in trying to break up the scene -- it was totally benign, and threw up even more contrast to the differing times these men grew up in.

It's harder to watch Don this season than it has been in previous years. Until now, there was still the idea that Don was someone you wanted to succeed, or at least escape doom. This season, Matt Weiner is making sure Don gets none of that cushioning -- he's fucking up all by himself, and there's definitely a real punishment coming up for him.

But yeah, he suddenly became insterested in being a dad to his son after hearing him say "Jesus!" Also, Planet of the Apes ROOLZ. Good background analogy, also a setup for future chaos.

Peggy likes her life, even during a national crisis. Nice to know. But that was a shitty apartment, and she would have hated the neighborhood AND the long walk to the subway.

(New Yorkers were treated to an inside joke -- the realtor said "as soon as the 2nd Avenue subway is finished..." -- construction had just begun in 1968 and was slow going; work halted in 1972 when the city went broke, and it didn't resume until the mid-2000s. It is still far from complete.)

LOVED Joan's awkward attempt to hug Dawn. Especially justaposed against Peggy's big momma hug to her black secretary.

Trudy -- badass till the end. YES.

Bobby Kennedy was shot a month after MLK -- hell, this could happen next week in Mad Men time.


I want to smell dark matter
I actually SUSPECTED the subway line was some kind of inside "it's not finished in 2013!" reference then forgot to look it up.