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Mad Men 6x13 - 'In Care Of'

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Here's the thing -- I love this show, and I've found that sometimes, the internet kind of ruins things I love by over-analyzing them, lol. I've taken to live-commenting on episodes over at Tom & Lorenzo's site, and in doing so I end up missing so many little moments and important details that whiz by. So I need to not do that anymore, and wait till after I've seen the show a couple of times before letting loose on the internet.

This is the word of the Eggs.

(I was floored BTW -- they managed to save the season in one episode! More later.)
Wouldn't Pete get rid of Bob by now if he believes Bob's boyfriend literally murdered his mother?

(Yeah the big Don scene was great.)

"Vixen by night."
Bob didn't give Pete the chance -- he struck first when he deliberately goaded Pete into getting behind the wheel of that car knowing that Pete would embarrass himself. After Pete had given him a dressing-down (ooh!) last week, and then talked about 'accessory to murder' this week, I think Bob had had enough of him. So he got him dumped off Chevy.

The thing I'm unclear about is, why is Pete suddenly going to California? I think they cut a few lines somewhere that explained that part. Is he going to be the sales guy for Ted, or was he just going to his brother's to settle the estate? I need to watch it again, some people on the internet are still confused about that part as well.