Man, some of you losers are posting here on Christmas day!




Vuhlkansu Wihs

It's Christmas day and that loser Dick is starting retarded topics.

Actually, I'm surprised. I figured he'd be playing with his new Ballerina Barbie for a few more hours at least.


New Member
Sarek said:
Actually, I'm surprised. I figured he'd be playing with his new Ballerina Barbie for a few more hours at least.
Donated from your collection? At least you still have your Ken dolls.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Messenger said:
Donated from your collection? At least you still have your Ken dolls.

Aww Messy.

Now your riding the coat tails of one of my pathetic attempts at trolling? I'm saddened by how pitiful you've become.


New Member
Sarek said:
Aww Messy.

Now your riding the coat tails of one of my pathetic attempts at trolling? I'm saddened by how pitiful you've become.
That implies I have to somehow put effort into trolling you.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Messenger said:
That implies I have to somehow put effort into trolling you.

You're trolling me? When did that start? I figured you were just being your old mentaly challenged self.


New Member


New Member
Aside from mangling the English language, you're the one stupid enough to believe them to be genuine. What was that line about stones and glass houses?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Messenger said:
Aside from mangling the English language, you're the one stupid enough to believe them to be genuine. What was that line about stones and glass houses?

Something about not letting morons like you near a glass house. And to stone you to death if you enter the neighborhood.

If I acted the total fool like you did, I'd tell everyone it was staged to save face also. And based on your coomplete lack of integrity or honesty, I'm left to believe that it was real.


New Member
Sarek said:
If I acted the total fool like you did, I'd tell everyone it was staged to save face also.
Unfortunately, being the victim of them more than once, with me turning around and LMAO, you have no choice but to do just that.

And based on your coomplete lack of integrity or honesty, I'm left to believe that it was real.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
OMG! :shock:

I've been LMAO at you the whole time you've been LYAO at me! :eek:

WOW! Weird huh?


sarek I thought you had a vast number of relatives to spend Christmas with? so what are you doing on TK?

oh wait, the family was mistake.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
VKD said:
sarek I thought you had a vast number of relatives to spend Christmas with? so what are you doing on TK?

oh wait, the family was mistake.

Shut the fuck up Dick. You're only proving that you're as stupid as I originally suspected.


New Member
Can he spell 'mentally' ?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Messenger said:
Can he spell 'mentally' ?

I'm sure he can now that you've spelled it out for him. But then again, everyone makes spelling errors occasionally. It's the ones who point it out all the time that usually get bit in the ass by it though. ;)


New Member
How about 'complete' ?