Man this guy is REALLY asking for it!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Oh God, start lecturing me about truth mr "we gotta invade iraq cos of WMD" :)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
When did the last IRA bombing occur?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
jack said:
Oh God, start lecturing me about truth mr "we gotta invade iraq cos of WMD" :)

That was a true statement. Based on seemingly-reliable intelligence (intelligence that was supported by your boy Kerry, BTW) Saddam had WMD's and posed a clear and present danger to the United States. We now know that the intelligence used to make the decision was faulty. But that does not negate the initial truth of the statement.


it's not just bombings. killings, assassinations happen every other week in NI, HUGE bank heist a few months ago - the IRA are still active.

also there are loads of spinoff terrorist cells which aren't 'officially' linked

and I can't remember exactly, but I think the last bomb wasn't too long ago, like a couple of years

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
That's funny, because most of the "assassinations" in N.I. are former IRA members offing their former leaders for "losing sight of the cause".

The bank heist was terrorists who are suddenly unemployed taking the only job they know how to do. I wouldn't call a bank heist "terrorism".

Still, the point being, if there are, say 10 ""terrorist acts"" every year that can be attributed to the IRA (and I don't think there are even half that many), there are 10-20 per day that can be attributed to Arab Muslims. When of terrorist acts are carried out by towelheads, one can safely say that all terrorists are Muslim.


ETA in Spain?

Tamil tigers, all those Marxist guerillas all over the world? they're not Muslims