Troll Kingdom

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Maybe I just have a problem with authority

HIM:Sorry, ma'am.

Your points are good ones but through experience we've learned that quelling religious debates outside of the authorized forum is often the best tactic. If I'm going to err I'm going to err on the side of caution. Comments like "petty fansite" notwithstanding.

RushRevisited is the owner of this site but he shares power equally with 1-0-0-1-0-0-1 and GhostGirl.

ME: I don't have a problem with you moderating at all. But it just bothers me that you nipped it in the butt before any true discussion could happen.

You never know, maybe people would have dealt with it rationally. Maybe they would have been mature about it. You didn't leave room for anyone to prove you wrong. It might not have developed into anything at all.

I guess I'm just not fond of censorship.

Thanks for the response, though. It's appreciated.

Lol, ma'am.


The administrator is going to get a lovely PM.

I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass he's ever seen :D
Dude, were you born a dick or did you have to study?

I'm sorry, I'm just trying to help you out and you accuse me of having an 'internet romance' with a couple of other posters. Good Lord! That's not exactly how you win friends and influence people and the fact that you attempt to put all the blame for your being an ass on another poster really makes me question your maturity level.

I said this the nice way now I'm going to say it the not-so-nice way: watch yourself and cut back on the nasty attitude or you're going to get yourself into trouble.

If you're into watching kids being raped and tortured in a movie then that's your business. Just don't expect everyone else to share your...preferences.


Whacko Jacko is losing it. Poor fellow.
Maybe I'm just getting old but it seems to me like GTC overreacted and picked a fight with this guy.

The guy was just telling everyone to steer away from any kind of reglion bashing (even going so far as to say noone had actually done it yet) and GTC exploded with "I'll post whatever I want! Fascist!"

I'm more dissappointed by the fact that this is a Rush forum and I've yet to see a single post by anyone named "Tom Sawyer" !
Oh gawd, the mod thinks I'm "very sharp" and that our conversation has been "stimulating" and "enjoyable."

I want in their politics forum. But I definitely don't want to wait a month to do so.

You, sir, have brought nothing good to this forum. You came in here talking about a movie that is both abhorrent and perverted and when you received some negative reactions to that you decided to act like a humorless dick and have been such ever since. To further exacerbate matters, you act as if we are mere plebeians and are therefore unworthy to look upon your "greatness".

copy & paste, plz :)
Sure :D

HIM: (quotes my "I guess I'm not fond of censorship" line)

That makes two of us.

You have used the term "censorship" in error. I deleted nothing that anyone said, I merely acted to quell what would have certainly became an ugly riot. So you could say that I'm actually a policeman and not a censor.

And, no offense intended at all but I and all the other mods and admins have heard all of your arguments before from other people yet still things have remained as they are. Whether you choose to believe it or not we are all really doing our best to provide as good an experience as we can to our members and I believe that the quality of our members speaks for itself.

It is my sincere hope that this incident has not soured your taste for this place and that you choose to stay among us. We've got some great people here who are truly worth getting to know.

ME: Actually, I used the term correctly. It does often indicate the deletion of things, but it can also indicate the suppression of issues. As in a government censors a publication so as to not encourage free thinking on the issue. Any policing of words can be considered censorship. Word filters are censorship.

And granted, forums are allowed to have their share of censorship. It wouldn't be prudent for a forum to allow everything to be posted. Even the free speech forums I post at have a few restrictions.

But this is the first place I've ever seen discussion preemptively castrated before a problem could arise. You could say it's kind of like racial profiling - as in "I'm going to pull this black man over because he's driving a souped up car and listening to loud music JUST IN CASE he's a threat." Just because the topic looked like it could have gone in a negative direction doesn't mean that it would have.

Do you understand what I'm getting at?

HIM: Yes, I see exactly what you're saying. Your words are valid and are the very cornerstones of democracy. However, this board is not a democracy. It's a benevolent dictatorship. And we "dictators" are by no means perfect but we try to do the best we can. I happen to be in favor of clearing underbrush in order to prevent wildfires and will continue to do so. I prefer to be proactive, not reactive. It's my nature and it has on occasion driven my wife and my friends to distraction so you by no means should feel alone.

I do appreciate evrything you said and I do sympathize. You're very sharp and I respect that a great deal and this conversation is both very stimulating and rather enjoyable.

I haven't responded to him yet :P
This is religion bashing at it's best, folks!

Anyway it's interesting that religion is a part of every aspect of these kids lives from playtime, to home schollin, to all forms of media, and even their goals in life.

Seriously, WTF?
Maybe I'm just getting old but it seems to me like GTC overreacted and picked a fight with this guy.

The guy was just telling everyone to steer away from any kind of reglion bashing (even going so far as to say noone had actually done it yet) and GTC exploded with "I'll post whatever I want! Fascist!"
Even a washed up old TKer like yourself should know that staff members should let discussion flow naturally on a forum instead of venturing into threads with proclamations of "Behave you god damn kids or I'll flush the thread and no one will get to play!!!!"
Mr Musketeer

I stumbled upon this little exchange, so thought I would take the opportunity to check out your posts. Please, that cost five minutes of my life and I'd like them back!

There's a certain mean spiritedness that permeates your typed communication here. It was typified in the "Marquis De Sade" thread (for want of a better name)in your exchange with TAVitalsigns. The thing is, you were technically correct in that he had somewhat misinterpreted the general meaning and thrust of the film as opposed to the book, but you displayed an astonishing lack of grace in your hollow little "victory"

I mean, come on, you knew damn well that by picking this particular film, only a handful of people were likely to have seen it and been interested enough to compare it with the book and note the differences. It was obvious that most people were going to focus on the negative sexuality of it, which invites the obvious conclusion that you were actively seeking negative attention here. in short - trolling.

And as for the moronic attitude you have adopted in this thread, well it only serves to cement the impression that people here have of you. Obviously, this is your intention, and I doubt we will see you here after you have extracted whatever pathetic amusement you came here to find.

In fact , why am I bothering to type all this when all I really want to say is that you are a cock? in fact, there you have it...

You are a cock. Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.

lolwut ?
Patrick Swayze thread officially raped, by the way.

This forum is starting to bore me, though. My army hungers for another.
Even a washed up old TKer like yourself should know that staff members should let discussion flow naturally on a forum instead of venturing into threads with proclamations of "Behave you god damn kids or I'll flush the thread and no one will get to play!!!!"

Yes, but YOU'RE the one who killed the naturally flow, not him. You're rant of 'cry freedom' completely killed the thread and was totally unneeded at that point.

Maybe further down the road, if he kept butting in, then action may have been required. But you jumped the gun.
Oh, lol, I need to respond to that silly old mod and PM the admins about something that happened like a week ago.
