Menty, did you ever finish watching "The Shield"?/

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I must confess, I downloaded the final season in November 2008, right after it finished, but I didn't start watching them until this weekend. I simply forgot how good the show is. Quite frankly, after HBO's "The Wire", the Shield is simply the best police show I've ever seen.

Vic Macky is such a phenomenal character, you really don't want to like him, or empathize with him in any way, but goddamn it you can't help it. Classic case of a man who tried to do good, but got mired in shit and ended up as bad as the people he tried to get off the streets.

I'm only through episode 4, but this season is already ranking up there with the best of them. I'm definitely going to make time to watch the last 8 episodes this weekend.

Hell, I might ask LG to buy me the complete boxed set on Blu-Ray for my birthday.


Boobie inspector
Last season I watched ended with Shane and the grenade, wanted to watch the rest, just never found the time, never saw the last season of the sopranoes either.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yeah, when Shane blew up that was hard to watch. This season is even better.


Staff member
I stopped after three seasons. It's a good show I just stopped watching it and never found the time to get back up to date.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^Too many Kwality shows these days. But it's worth seeing the last 4 seasons, when you have time. It gets REALLY fucked up.