CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Mar 4, 2006 #22 She's the star of 'Veronica Mars'. A tv show.
Mentalist Administrator Staff member Mar 4, 2006 #24 Yes, fucking rules. I almost teared up at the end of 2x10. ALMOST.
Mentalist Administrator Staff member Aug 11, 2006 #26 Good show. Kristen Bell is hawt. Must start watching the reast of the season I have on my HD.
Sadistic Bastard No Mercy Aug 11, 2006 #28 Can't wait for Christina Ricci goodness...her latest film (Black Snake Moan) has her playing a nymphomaniac..... But Kristen is passibly cute.
Can't wait for Christina Ricci goodness...her latest film (Black Snake Moan) has her playing a nymphomaniac..... But Kristen is passibly cute.
Ishcabittle Well-known member Aug 12, 2006 #29 A nymphomaniac? Damn, man, that's typecasting AGAIN. When will Hollywood ever learn? :roll: