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Wacky, you can change the title of the thread to Mercy if you want to. I don't have thread title changing powers.

I liked this episode more than the pilot, too. Michelle is really good in this show, but the actress who plays the lead isn't. She's too stiff, or something I DON'T KNOW. I did like the bit with the leg, but her romance stuff is icky. Michelle should get more time, and the other chick should get less, and I'm not just saying that because Tomtrek loves the Trachtenboobs.
I caught some of Mercy last night.

I liked Michelle's character somewhat I think. I also like some of her nicknames, "Rainbow bright" being the one i remember.
I really liked the scene where she walked out the changing room in that dress. And the racoon scene. And all the scenes with Michelle Trachtenberg in them. EVEN IF I WASN'T obsessed with her appearance I'd still think she's the best thing about this show.


Seriously though I don't understand how half of New Jersey aren't throwing themselves in front of a bus so they can get Nurse Payne. I would, she's an angel.
This episode was better than previous eps.. the annoying nurse lady wasn't in it as much and when she was it wasn't as bad as before, she actually looked kinda hot in the pool. PLUS there was more Michelle.