Merge, lock, stick.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Don't quibble with duals, Dual.

You're a one-hit-wonder with any account ;)

Yet that one hit manages to continue generating tribute threads day after day; week after week, year after year on certain boards I abandoned long ago. I must be doing something right. :S:


RIP Karl 1991-2014
You think that makes you special? Anyone demented enough to spend years posting on the internetz has that.

Doesn't change the fact that you're a predictable hack with less tricks than that bunny from the commercial (himself a blatant Bugs Bunny ripoff).

Try this, Jeff: Show me just how impotent my one trick is by, maybe, not starting half a dozen tribute threads a day in my honour? Some people might interpret that as dancing.


on a break from forums
Those people would be idiots.

How so?

You merge/lock/sticky half those threads anyway. I just want to see how long you can "keep it up", so to speak...

I think he can "keep it up" as long as you want. The question is how long can you handle it happening dancing retard?

We might get lucky, and you might stumble across an original idea by mistake ;)

How is it not original if nobody else has done it?

Oh Pickle, I went to a benefit for the mentally disabled last Friday and I thought one of the clients was you dancing out there. I thought it was funny you were there, then realized the name his name tag was different, and you were still wasting your life on the internet.

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off

Those people would be idiots.


I think he can "keep it up" as long as you want. The question is how long can you handle it happening dancing retard?
I have handled dancing retards for nearly a decade now, thank you.

How long can you handle a dancing--never mind :D

How is it not original if nobody else has done it?
Short list of people who attempted to "troll" TK or the Badlands by merging/sticking/locking threads in the 2 1/2 years I've been here:

Love Child
Every Admin
Every Mod
Every sekrit admin/mod

That's just off the top of my head, short bus lad ;)

Oh Pickle, I went to a benefit for the mentally disabled last Friday and I I I was the star tard of the night and everybody said this dinner was for ME! But I had to wear this suit and they made me leave when I peed my pants something about my GF I haven't even got to third base with yet and BLAHBLAHBLAH...
Cool story.