New member
Conchaga said:Only one word comes to mind: PWned!
PWned? How am I PWned? You continue to make things up as you go along.

Conchaga said:Only one word comes to mind: PWned!
Paladin said:PWned? How am I PWned? You continue to make things up as you go along.
Conchaga said:dude, you're giving us play by play of what he's doing there. Hell, if I didn't know the guy, I'd say you were him, posting as this lame dual boasting about what you're doing.
He's got you wrapped around his finger.
Paladin said:I knew someone was going to say that. You forget. Many of you were completely taken in by him. I destroyed him. Notice he is no longer here yes? That would be thanks to me. I drove him to complete anger and hatred. My posts are for the benefit of TAMAR to remind her who owns her ass. MESSENGER/ZODIAC clearly has his dick up TAMAR's asshole and those posts are there to make sure you all know it since you think she is so wonderful. I merely make those posts to display my true power. I need only show up for ZODIAC/MESSENGER to start screaming 'DUAL'. Everyone else knew I was a dual yet he was the only one whining. Why? Power. Pure unadulterated POWER. I have driven him so far over the edge there is no way he would accept my presence in WF. He clearly fears me as do the rest of you here in TK do. Why else would you either ban me or put me on ignore? Just as I have owned MESSENGER/ZODIAC for so long I own the rest of you also. The only person who can NOW say they have clearly owned my ass would be TAMAR. She has the power to keep me out of WF if her claims to be responsible for my bans are true that is. THAT my friend is POWER at its finest. I merely point out she loses that power the moment ZODIAC/MESSENGER opens his mouth and points a finger in my direction. She is forced by him to ban me. That means I have OWNED them both at the same time, forcing them to take action against me when I have done absolutely nothing wrong. I make them BOTH fear me at the same time. Can you say the same? I did not think so. When ZODIAC/MESSENGER had a million duals in here no one gave a shit but when everyone else did he whined like the bitch he is. Now he was over there in WF doing exactly the same bitching with the difference that if a person is banned and creates a dual that dual is banned also, something I am clearly powerless against. I have been getting around the bans so easily but I just cannot bring myself to change my posting style in there as I did here when I was the French Paladin that clearly PWned this entire site.
You are just jealous you have not the power to anger MESSENGER/ZODIAC or TAMAR_GARISH to the extent I have. It is through me they both have learned to develop devastating HATRED for a fellow human being. The mere fact I am responsible for their growing hatred proves I have PWned them to no end. Now the others in WF are attacking MESSENGER/ZODIAC on all fronts after his little experienc with GHOST. All he did when I was GHOST was whinee, whine and whine some more. Now they are badgering him. Before my arrival they seemed to have accepted him. After he helped get me banned no one likes him anymore. They know a whiner when they see one. They are also puzzled as to why I was banned since I broke no rules. They know it has something to do with his constant whining about me. They have noticed twice he was bitched about my duals. They know I OWN his ass. He has never whined about any other duals. Just mine. That my friend is CONTROL. I so severely CONTROL the idiot that his hatred has no bounds. I know for a fact were I to stand before him in person he would scream like a madman and wish he had a gun. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if MESSENGER/ZODIAC had a gun he would pull the trigger to end my life. That is how strong his hatred for me is. You do not recall his following me everywhere in here? CONTROL. This is why you remark in this past as you have. JEALOUSY. You cannot control someone in like manner. You wish you could but it is beyond your ken and you know it. Look at TAMAR. She completely avoided me under all of my duals. Completely. She was NEVER online when I was in WF. That is FEAR. Do not believe me? Visit WF and see for yourself. That crap about being in the hospital is utter bullshit. She was never around during my incarnation as FASCISTCANUCK. It is FEAR. Pure and simple. She will look for any excuse to ban me from WF. I will prove this. Look here. Everyone else was WARNED before anything happens. I was not warned ONCE and this guy posted a browser crasher, the very same thing that got me banned HERE. Pure unadulterated FEAR. I did not a thing wrong but MESSENGER/ZODIAC provided them with the ammunition with which they could ban me. FEAR my son. FEAR. You do not bring this to the fore in others. I do. This is the reason for your post here.
Conchaga said:Too long, didn't read.
But, look. All this rant for just a few lines of trolling.
Paladin said:Interesting that you considered this much of a rant when it took me mere minutes for something that would take you an hour. Do not blame me for your slow typing speed. You are just jealous you cannot do the same hence it is impossible for you to match the greatness that is I.
Conchaga said:By the way, there was a 17 min gap between my post and your post. Three minutes my ass...
Conchaga said:I still think you're full of shit.
Dance, puppet, dance!
Paladin said:*smiles* I am at 3 other forums sweetiepie. *ROTFLMAO* That is how fast I am. Even RWC that cocksucker knows this to be true.