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Mexicans walk off jobs

So the illegals took to the streets en masse today. Hundreds of thousands of them in cities coast to coast. Their stated aim was to create a "Day Without Immigrants" and not show up for work in an effort to flaunt their economic clout. To some extent, it worked. Many businesses report large economic losses due to not having their workers available. So this is how the illegals want to protest? By biting the hand that (illegally) feeds them? That's gratitude for ya!

To say the least, this is a divisive issue. Proposals range from the "round 'em up and ship 'em back" crowd to those who want to grant them amnesty with various routes to citizenship. Some supporters proclaim that this country was built by immigrants and our current economy can't survive without them. Others add that we are all immigrants, except for native Americans. To answer that argument, sure, it wasn't right for the Americans to bleed the land of its resources and the native people of their rights for their benefit, but the current wave of illegals are doing the same thing. The illegal's supporters consistently and conveniently forget one key word: ILLEGAL. This may be a news flash to some illegals, but there actually are people here who enter(ed) this country legally. That's why I provided the definition at the top of this article, for the benefit of those immigrants who apparently don't understand that particular word of the English language. Since the US is required to provide assorted legal documents in other languages for the illegals, I'll do the same and translate to Spanish: ilegal-adjetivo 1 Que no está permitido por la ley: consumo ilegal de drogas; comercio ilegal de animales; se le acusa de un delito de detención ilegal. 2 [persona] Que está en una situación que va en contra de la ley: inmigrante ilegal; trabajador ilegal; el número de ilegales se incrementó notablemente durante el último año. Now do you get it?

I agree with the concept that if employment wasn't offered to the illegals by American companies, the problem wouldn't be as big as it is. But guess what? There are laws against hiring illegals. Problem is, the laws aren't enforced. Big business circumvents the law again. It's also a crime to cross the border illegally, but the US is too busy elsewhere to provide the security of its own borders.

On another website's letters page, I saw what may be a brilliant, simple, elegant solution. Round up the illegals and ship 'em home. Then make every able-bodied welfare recipient in this country fill the jobs that the illegals vacate. The taxes paid from the jobs would pay for the deportations. Sure, we'd have to provide health and day care benefits to the new workers, but we're providing those for the illegals now.
These rallies are not supporting immigrants, as the CNN sub-head suggests. These rallies support ILLEGAL immigrants. There is a difference. These are people who, regardless of motive, are law-breakers in this country, flaunting laws little different from those in their own country.

I don't have a problem with anyone wishing to live in the US as long as they obey the laws, just as we who were born here have to do. And those laws include a specific process to follow to become a US citizen.

But granting amnesty to illegals is a slap in the face of all those immigrants who have come here legally and went through the long and costly process to become citizens, and who DO obey the laws of the land.
CoyoteUgly said:
So, the bottom line is: the fuckers walked through a desert, hid in the back of a panel truck, or otherwise went through horrendous conditions in order to come to the US and find a job...and then they walk off that job for one day so as to show they can be good citizens.

If I hired 25 Mexicans to work for me, and they didn't show up for work, they'd be out of a job.

Surely the irony did not escape you?
TJHairball said:
TQ, if she came here illegally in 1986 and has a 7 and 11 year old kid, she's probably a citizen by now, mmk?

If only by exploiting the "anchor baby" loophole. But clearly she still thinks of herself as illegal, or she wouldn't have gone to the "gran marcha".

In that article... I'd like to point out one thing:Advocating forced labor, i.e., slavery. Ain't it great?

Forced labor? Where? What I see him advocating is giving people a choice: support yourselves, now that the jobs are available, or sleep on the street. No more dole for you.

Funny thing. I was watching CNN (this happens several times a year) and they had an INS guy on to talk about why they didn't go rounding people up. Aside from the legal problems of identifying who is or is not an illegal immigrant (remember, not just illegals participated in demonstrations), they also don't have the resources, manpower, or cells to try and put that many people away at once. He mentioned "20,000 beds" as a figure.

Your call on whether he was being honest or not.

It's funny, ya know. Not to invoke Godwin's law, but if the Third Reich could round up 11 million people with just Hollerith punch-card machines, why can't we round up 11 million people with the technology we have?
The Question said:
If only by exploiting the "anchor baby" loophole. But clearly she still thinks of herself as illegal, or she wouldn't have gone to the "gran marcha".
Or has sympathy with those who are. I'm under the impression much of the Hispanic community supported this, and - as usual - immigrants' rights advocates, who are often not immigrants themselves.
Forced labor? Where? What I see him advocating is giving people a choice: support yourselves, now that the jobs are available, or sleep on the street. No more dole for you.
See the word "make." This implies forcing.

Tsk tsk tsk.
It's funny, ya know. Not to invoke Godwin's law, but if the Third Reich could round up 11 million people with just Hollerith punch-card machines, why can't we round up 11 million people with the technology we have?
Good thing I don't really believe in Godwin's law.

I'm quite sure it's possible, but I'm under the impression Congress isn't interested in committing political suicide by providing the funds for that sort of program.
TJHairball said:
Or has sympathy with those who are. I'm under the impression much of the Hispanic community supported this, and - as usual - immigrants' rights advocates, who are often not immigrants themselves.

And I guess you think breaking the law is okay, too, yes?

See the word "make." This implies forcing.

Implies, possibly; outright advocates, no.

I'm quite sure it's possible, but I'm under the impression Congress isn't interested in committing political suicide by providing the funds for that sort of program.

Right, can't have Congress actually adhering to the oaths they took by defending this country and its people, can we?
The Question said:
And I guess you think breaking the law is okay, too, yes?
That, my dear TQ, depends on the circumstances... most particularly the circumstances of the law itself being a good law, or a bad law.
Implies, possibly; outright advocates, no.
Advocates, yes.

Granted, he probably wasn't thinking things through, but making people do things isn't very nice.
Right, can't have Congress actually adhering to the oaths they took by defending this country and its people, can we?
Those gosh darn Congresspeople.
TJHairball said:
That, my dear TQ, depends on the circumstances... most particularly the circumstances of the law itself being a good law, or a bad law.

90% of the American people think border security measures are good law. That leads me to conclude that I needn't give a shit what the people breaking those laws think of them.

Granted, he probably wasn't thinking things through, but making people do things isn't very nice.

Well, since those people are making other people (the taxpayers) support them, I really can't scrounge up any givashit for them, either.

Those gosh darn Congresspeople.

Those gosh darn traitorous Congresspeople, as a matter of literal fact.

3 entries found for treason.
trea·son ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trzn)
Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
A betrayal of trust or confidence.

[Middle English, from Anglo-Norman treson, from Latin trditi, trditin-, a handing over. See tradition.]

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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: trea·son
Pronunciation: 'trEz-&noun
Function: noun
Etymology: Anglo-French treison crime of violence against a person to whom allegiance is owed, literally, betrayal, from Old French traïson, from traïr to betray, from Latin tradere to hand over, surrender
: the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war; specifically : the act of levying war against the United States or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance —trea·son·ous /-&s/ adjective

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


n 1: a crime that undermines the offender's government [syn: high treason, lese majesty] 2: disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior [syn: subversiveness, traitorousness] 3: an act of deliberate betrayal [syn: treachery, betrayal, perfidy]
The Question said:
Well, since those people are making other people (the taxpayers) support them, I really can't scrounge up any givashit for them, either.

I don't know if you've noticed, but welfare recipients usually don't have much influence in setting public policy.
The Question said:
^^Forbidden to do their jobs, that's where. Actually forbidden. Isn't that great? Homeland Security is okayed to spy on American citizens, but when it comes to actually fucking defending the homeland, they can't and won't do jack fucking shit.

What the hell do I have to do with any of this? :)

Anyway I found the whole thing hilarious, in that funny and sad way. Exposing hypocrisy is never pretty, we all know this. The racist neocon regime requires cheap labor (and cheap gas) to stay in power.

You don't think pretty white Monterey girls are going to do that kind of work for that kind of money do you?????

Anyway most of the "immigrants" around here are legals on work visas. They all showed, no solidarity there. I spoke to several of them about it, and most were clueless to what the fuck I was talking about. Imagine "satisfied" immigrants! WOW THE FUCKING MIND BOGGLES! They are willing to get paid 8 bucks an hour to do nothing and you know why? Because 8 bucks an hour here is about 40 in whatever shithole thev're been living in.

You know what illegals mostly do with their money they earn up here? They send it their fucking semistarving families in mexico, well most of it anyway.

When I was out in Santa Fe last year for a week, one thing I noticed is all the Indians(pc Native Americans) were working at jobs in the city and all the mexicans were waiting for the day truck, sometimes all day long. what the fuck is up with that? Racism within racism.

It's kind of like being an Ethiopian Jew in Tel Aviv. You want to see inspirational racism talke a peek at that dysfunction.
It's funny, ya know. Not to invoke Godwin's law, but if the Third Reich could round up 11 million people with just Hollerith punch-card machines, why can't we round up 11 million people with the technology we have?

You've read the book and intelligently deciphered the heart of it? I'm completely impressed.

We can "do" illegals, easily perhaps. We deliberately skirt the issue.
jack said:
What the hell do I have to do with any of this? :)

I didn't say you had anything to do with it. That was kinda out of the blue, wasn't it?

Anyway I found the whole thing hilarious, in that funny and sad way. Exposing hypocrisy is never pretty, we all know this.

Whose, our government's or Mexico's?

The racist neocon regime requires cheap labor (and cheap gas) to stay in power.

And on this issue, the bleeding-hearts are playing right into the neocons' pocketbooks, aren't they? Strange bedfellows.

You don't think pretty white Monterey girls are going to do that kind of work for that kind of money do you?????

No, but I think a lot of the people at California, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Colorado unemployment offices gladly would -- for legal wages, of course. But since employers are currently getting away with paying illegal wages thanks to an illegal labor force between 12 and 20 million strong, all those folks at all those unemployment offices can't compete.

Anyway most of the "immigrants" around here are legals on work visas. They all showed, no solidarity there. I spoke to several of them about it, and most were clueless to what the fuck I was talking about.

Sure, because the organizers of the march disingeniously refer to illegals as just "immigrants", the media lies in lock-step, and probably hoped that legal immigrants would think they're included in a rally whose underlying concept basically gives them the middle finger. "We're BETTER than you!" it says. "We don't HAVE to obey the law! So NYAH!"

Well, the plain truth isn't spoken by very many of the illegals in this country, not in front of "mixed company", but groups like La Raza ("The Race"), the Mexica Movement and MEChA make the plain truth clear enough for all of their more discreet compadres -- Mexican illegals don't obey U.S. law because they don't concede that any such thing ought to exist. They conveniently ignore the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden purchase when they claim that the U.S. "stole" the southwest.

Imagine "satisfied" immigrants! WOW THE FUCKING MIND BOGGLES! They are willing to get paid 8 bucks an hour to do nothing and you know why? Because 8 bucks an hour here is about 40 in whatever shithole thev're been living in.

I'm not sure what your point is with this, but as for illegals -- boo fucking hoo. The U.S. is not the world's fucking bank book. Don't like your own country? Fucking change it. I think after over 60 years of cleaning up other countries' shit and giving away American blood and American money, it's safe to say the U.S. doesn't owe the rest of the world a fucking thing, outside of actual debts. And considering who we owe, we have every reason to tell them to wipe those slates clean. Britain? We bailed their asses out of WW1 and WW2. You're welcome!

You know what illegals mostly do with their money they earn up here? They send it their fucking semistarving families in mexico, well most of it anyway.

Right, which adds up to billions a year that just straight-up leave the U.S. economy, illegally. That's theft.

When I was out in Santa Fe last year for a week, one thing I noticed is all the Indians(pc Native Americans) were working at jobs in the city and all the mexicans were waiting for the day truck, sometimes all day long. what the fuck is up with that? Racism within racism.

Sometimes they don't wait for the day truck. I've read in numerous places that in some cities, they'll just straight up jump into your vehicle.

It's kind of like being an Ethiopian Jew in Tel Aviv. You want to see inspirational racism talke a peek at that dysfunction.

Or like being anybody other than a Jew in Tel Aviv, from what I've read. The only apartheid state our government doesn't have the balls to call an apartheid state. Sorry, Jack, nothin' personal.
Dark Link said:
Fucking immigrants. Cops should have pulled up school busses, pilled them all in at gunpoint then shipped their asses back south of the border. The ones who fight back get shot and catapulted back across the border or airlifted and dropped into Mexico City.

Fuckers think they run the country. Lets see them run faster then a bullet.

Fuck the 'SPICS. Adopt FASCISM and kick the fuckers out. If they do not obey, line the fuckers up and fucking shoot them in the fucking head.
That only works well for shock value. Again, this isn't an illegals issue, it's a greed issue. It's one of the things wrong with our society, and it got pushed in all our fucking faces this past week.
jack said:
Again, this isn't an illegals issue, it's a greed issue.

Sorry, Jack, it's both. The illegals come here to take by numbers what they're not entitled to, and it's business greed and governmental indifference that enables them to do it. The two go hand in hand.

It's one of the things wrong with our society, and it got pushed in all our fucking faces this past week.

I agree -- our society has become far and away too permissive and too politically correct to take effective action against something that's weakening our economy. Ironically enough, the Americans hardest hit by the negative impact of illegal immigration are minorities and inner-city neighborhoods, because with with all the jobs American kids used to take for spending money being filled by illegals, the primary means of making money left to them is drug trade and other varieties of crime.

So, yeah -- illegals' disregard for the law, businesses' greed and politicians' flagrant courting of foreign criminals above and beyond any sense of duty to the people who they're ostensibly elected to represent.
Laker_Girl said:
So how was your day without an immigrant?
OH, man, those Mexicans were everywhere I went in Sacramento! There were so many of them that the light rail system got backed up by an hour, and everyone was packed like sardines.

If it were a day without an immigrant, why the fuck did I keep tripping over them?

All I know is, they better be serving up my margaritas and singing to the patrons as usual tomorrow night. My whole family has Cinco de Mayo reservations at our favorite wetback restautant, and we'll torch the place if they get start getting uppity.
Lou The Beagle said:
OH, man, those Mexicans were everywhere I went in Sacramento! There were so many of them that the light rail system got backed up by an hour, and everyone was packed like sardines.

If it were a day without an immigrant, why the fuck did I keep tripping over them?


Because on that day, they simply chose to drop the pretense of being immigrants and acted like the colonization force they really are. They should have called it "A Day Without The PC Lie".