Michele - BB11

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Age: 27
Occupation: Neuroscientist
Marital Status: Married

Hardworking, creative and intelligent, Michele is most proud of earning her Ph.D. in Neuroscience. It's a tool that could help her enter the BIG BROTHER house with an edge over the competition. She's a neuroscientist who has extensively studied the mind and is sure she can spot a lie a mile away.

Michele's motto in life is "don’t sweat the small stuff," which is something she needs to continually remind herself. In the past, she’s had a tough time controlling her emotions and was often extremely stressed, but she was able to overcome her issues and get back on track.

She described herself as a news-junkie and is not sure how she’ll cope without the Internet, but is sure her fellow Houseguests will provide hours of entertainment.

Michele is a self-proclaimed nerd and former band geek who is always the smartest person in the room. She used to get beat up in school for being too smart and is now ready to get revenge for all the smart kids.

Michele's strategy going into the game is to try to win challenges without actually dominating the competitions. She figures that will help her stay under the radar, while her people skills will her keep her a favorite in the house.

Michele was born and raised in Iselin, New Jersey. She has been married for three years. Her birth date is June 16, 1982.

Michele's CBS.com page

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Apparently, she is bipolar and takes medication when she goes into the Diary Room (our version of the Confessional). She hasn't displayed any erratic behavior so far, although she is good at rolling back on her word with people.

The bitter bitches (Natalie, Lydia) keep engaging her and calling her a psycho and a bipolar bitch. She's currently in a yelling match with them, while Jeff and Jordan are trying to make peace amongst everybody (they should give up, it's going nowhere).

We may end up with a final 4 of Jeff, Jordan, Russell and Kevin about 3 weeks ahead of schedule if this keeps up.


I want to smell dark matter
They're allowed to bully someone based on their mental illness? That wouldn't fly here.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, all but 2 or 3 of this year's cast would have been disqualified from UK BB by now.

Chima was calling Russell a Muslim terrorist and comparing herself to the Twin Towers before she got booted. But she got booted for throwing her microphone pack into the pool and refusing to retrieve it or put on another.


I want to smell dark matter
That almost sounds like something Marcus would say.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Evicted (Final 4). :sarek:

I was hoping she'd go further. Someone needs to stop Hurricane Piddog Natalie. Michele was the last person left with a spine.

She went out with class, wearing devil horns on her head in honor of all the nasty names she was called by the more crass players all season. She's definitely slightly crazy, but probably not evil.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
We may end up with a final 4 of Jeff, Jordan, Russell and Kevin about 3 weeks ahead of schedule if this keeps up.
Actually it was Jordan, Kevin, Natalie and Michele. 50% right.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, turns out she was as crazy as we thought.

My how her boobs have grown in the last year.