Mildred Pierce remake

The original 1945 film starring Joan Crawford is one of my favorite films. I hope this remake with Kate Winslet will at least be decent to watch. This is to be a 5 hour HBO mini-series that will be more faithful to the original book.

Remake trailer...
Slap scene from the original...

Just for fun...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Todd Haynes directing guarantees it will be visually gorgeous and just a little twisted. But sometimes Kate can be off when she does American. I'll be watching for sure, I just hope it all isn't as subdued as that trailer.
Todd Haynes directing guarantees it will be visually gorgeous and just a little twisted. But sometimes Kate can be off when she does American. I'll be watching for sure, I just hope it all isn't as subdued as that trailer.

Yeah, that trailer is rather dull & uninspiring.