Milo Yiannopoulos - Challenge to Mentalist

The Question

He must be made to toe the line! He must be made to conform!

So say the Christian fundies, so say the liberals!

The Question

Nothin'? No embarrassment? I wasn't expecting anything grandiose like shame or contrition, but not even an, "Aw, fuck." ?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Ewwww you made to go to Breitbart! Now I have to Lysol my PC.

What utter bullshit. He's just another footsoldier, using the tools he has to rope people into this this toxic, hateful mindset. Fuck him, fuck Thiel. At least Andrew Sullivan woke up.


Staff member
He's a troll and a provocateur that is riding a wave of nu-right wing politics. He talks a lot of sense when it comes to the regressive lefts obsessions with safe spaces, censorship and being offended by absolutely everything. I'm with him all the way up to that point and then it starts to all fall apart. His arguments for why Trump is awesome are, predictably paper thin, as are the rest of his defenses of batshit hard right policy. This is a guy that still thinks that homosexuality (his own included obviously) is more nurture than nature. It's interesting to watch because on one hand he owns that fact he's gay strongly and confidently but at the same time there is definitely self hatred going on. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes off the deep end at some point.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
When itt comes to safe spaces, censorship and being offended by absolutely everything, even many centrist/moderate liberals don't agree with those extremes. I guess they aren't talking about it often enough if people end up having to go to a jerk like him to find a kindred spirit.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts