Minefield advice requested


beer, I want beer
Ok, here's the thing. Currently on Netflix I have access to a dozen sci-fi series, all with multiple hundreds of episodes. I'm trying to decide which one to watch but it's a huge time investment with longrunning series, so I'm waffling a little. All the Treks (except DS9 for some inexplicable netflix reason) all the Stargates, Farscape, red dwarf, that underwater one, Sliders, Quantum Leap, you name it it's in there.

Thoughts? Obviously a couple I've watched a bunch of, like OS Trek, but others like next Gen I missed most of while out being a young Vegas Party Stud.

So what major scifi series should I fire up first?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Stargate: Universe was short lived, so you wouldn't need to use up lots of time to see it, it was also really good. The few episodes of Farscape that I've seen were entertaining, but I might have that one mixed up with something else.


beer, I want beer
Already did that one on the strength of Robert Carlysle, who I love as an actor. Now I'm looking at the big honking series...I watched a couple pilots but most pilots kinda suck. Hard to get a feel for the series from those.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Have you seen Babylon 5?


I want to smell dark matter
Definitely watch Star Trek: The Next Generation in full if you haven't already (frist two seasons aren't as good but there's a cheesey appeal at least.) DS9 as well if you can get it.

Honestly I wouldn't even bother with Voyager and Enterprise (well, maybe seasons three and four of Enteprise when you run out of other stuff.) But some people do enjoy Voyager.

The first six series (six episodes each) of Red Dwarf are really good. It's quite British and the alleged special effects will look extremely dated though.

Have you watched True Blood? That's quite good (currently in its fourth season.) Game Of Thrones is great but isn't out on DVD yet (one season so far.)

I haven't watched Farscape in full but everyone who has seems to recommend it.


Boobie inspector
If you watch farscape it will reward you, but I warn you in advance, it takes 4 or 5 episodes to take its stride, but once you get past those it just only gets better.

And if they have firefly, give that a go too, its only 13 episodes.


beer, I want beer
Watched the Firefly/ Serenity combo a few years ago, too bad they cancelled that...


Is this real life?
I really enjoyed Sliders as a kid, but I think you only really need to watch half a dozen episodes to get the most out of it. In the later seasons they killed off some characters, did a switcheroo with one of them and had something involving the lead actor's real life twin iirc, and also had a weird story arc involving cro-magnon man invading other dimensions.

Similarly, SeaQuest is probably worth watching a bit of just to take in the general theme, but it quickly became a sort of low budget underwater Star Trek (well, Sea Trek, I guess), so I wouldn't bother watching the whole series.

Everyone else's suggestions have been good so far, too. Dr Dave's in particular.