Mobile Application Testing - Is it That Important?


New Member
Apple had probably set the ball rolling, and we have not looked back since. From the iPhone to the BlackBerry, mobile phones have come a long way from the cumbersome handheld devices they used to be only half a decade ago! And with the advent of the mobile phones, another equally interesting and popular phenomenon has risen - mobile applications. From games to weather forecasts, from RSS feeds to online social networking - mobile phones have become a miniscule version of our world itself.

And this is where mobile application testing comes into the picture. In contrast to earlier practices of allowing bugs and issues to be reported by consumers themselves, agencies have resorted to offering flawless applications - courtesy mobile application testing.

Here are some of the prominent features of a testing procedure prevalent in the industry:

* Development of a strategy or framework for testing
* Harnessing of test scripts and frameworks
* Execution
* Reporting of bugs and issues pertaining to the test
* Cross-platform operability and performance testing
* Certification testing plans
* Final analysis and report

While the above steps seem like a cakewalk, think again! It takes qualified engineers and equally deft software application builders to provide a flawless program and an even smoother testing operation. The whole procedure also requires a test field run - which handpicks a number of potential customers and is tested on. The feedback is used to further refine the mobile applications, which by now should have reached a level of quality and finesse that can be called flawless. If not, the application requires a re-structuring rather than a rerun of the testing procedure!

The complexities involved in testing and verification of Mobile Application requires a dedicated team which understands the nuances of various mobile devices, their manufacturers and the networks on which they operate. At Endeavour Software Technologies this has been accomplished by having a dedicated testing lab viz Endeavour Quality Assurance Lab (EqUAL). They use ACtP3 framework comprising of 5 phases to test mobile applications for achieving the desired result of a robust, scalable, secure, and responsive mobile solution on multiple mobile device platforms. These steps include:

* Analysis: This comprises of identifying the limitations & features of different platforms and devices in order to provide a strong base before starting the testing exercise

* Crash-free Testing: This helps to provide the stability of the application before starting formal testing

* Planned testing: This is the formal testing to ensure the maximum test coverage which includes testing related to Application Start Up, UI Specifications in cross mobile OS, Connectivity, Interaction, Localization,
I/O Capabilities, Memory limitations, Auto updates, Stress Testing and so on

* Peer testing: This involves challenging peer testers to find out any new issue if they can

* Production testing: To ensure the application is running as expected in real time