Mommy Bridgette: Satan walks among us!


I love you
I think you should hold a prayer vigil for her. A revival! Hand out pamphlets!


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I like her like that...all evil and HAWT!


The taint of evil is obviously upon you. I only hope that one day the light will touch your soul.

I'll be praying for that. To burn for all eternity is not a fate I would wish upon anyone, even you.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I think you should hold a prayer vigil for her. A revival! Hand out pamphlets!
God bless you, Mirah. It's good to see that at least one resident of this decadent kingdom feels the touch of the holy spirit.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I want to touch them and lay my hands on them.

Laying the hands of God on those fallen from His grace is a most holy endeavor. Be sure that they not taint you with their base evil! Touch them as you might touch your babies.


RIP Karl 1991-2014

Sister Bridgette touches her babies with the purest of God's love. We can only hope that Mirah will do the same for you and the rest of your fallen, sinning brethren. The touch of God will set you free from Satan!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Well, we need to be compassionate to these wretches. It is unfortunate that the sinners love their wickedness so much, that they choose to roast in the flames of Hell rathern then confess their worthlessness to the Lord and entreat Him for mercy.
However, in the future, we may be able to "convince" the sinners with the rack and the stake again. Sinners usually find the love of Jesus in their hearts, when they are tied to a stake with faggots set ablaze around them. I guess the realistic representation of Hellfire makes the evil doers want to confess their pathetic, sinful lives to Jesus. I dunno why.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Well, we need to be compassionate to these wretches. It is unfortunate that the sinners love their wickedness so much, that they choose to roast in the flames of Hell rathern then confess their worthlessness to the Lord and entreat Him for mercy.
However, in the future, we may be able to "convince" the sinners with the rack and the stake again. Sinners usually find the love of Jesus in their hearts, when they are tied to a stake with faggots set ablaze around them. I guess the realistic representation of Hellfire makes the evil doers want to confess their pathetic, sinful lives to Jesus. I dunno why.

Shit like this does nothing to dispel the reputaion monotheists have earned as bloodthisrtsy hypocrites.

I can only hope that one day, Pagans will stop being so peacful and give you bastards a taste of your own medicine ;)