Mommy Bridgette: Satan walks among us!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Shit like this does nothing to dispel the reputaion monotheists have earned as bloodthisrtsy hypocrites.

I can only hope that one day, Pagans will stop being so peacful and give you bastards a taste of your own medicine ;)

Sad..this exemplifies the demonic obsession Pagans are under. My hope is that God sees to it that we Christians never have to fight anyone. War is sad, and Jesus wants us to love our neighbor, not kill them.

I suppose though if it came to it, the Pagans would be in for a rude suprise. Luckily, we could quickly quell their stupidity with prayer and good works, and if that dosn't work poisonous gas attacks and biological weapons, maybe some aerosol or vaporized form of AIDS so that you Pagans could pass it on to each other quickly (we all know your as loose as dogs in heat when it comes to that).

BTW, Dork you realized that several famous PAGAN Emperors (ancient Rome) were pedophiles, right? Oh, and it wasn;t untill about 300 a.d that you Pagans decided to put an end to human sacrafice. Suffice it to say that Pagans are hardly the harbingers of a better world, unless you agree with Emperors having children perform sexual acts on them in their pool and stabbing to death people is your definition of a better world.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Mommy Bridgette, may I be your assistant and second-in-command of the TKFVAPTC? :D


Shifty sumbitch
maybe some aerosol or vaporized form of AIDS
'Vaporized form of AIDS'?! Um, impossible. You're thinking of HIV, and it doesn't survive in the air very well, crazy bint.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Well, you know technology. I bet they could do it. Besides, if the Heathens ever got nasty, well..what are you going to do?

I certainly am not for violence, but if you can;t negotiate with them then what choice do you have? I certainly think that would be the quickest way to put down the Heathen menace.


Shifty sumbitch
Well, let's see now... Latter-Day Saints (that'd be Mormons for those of you less familiar with the correct terminology) have a saying that goes something like this:
Articles of Faith 1:11 said:
We claim the privilege in worshiping almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may.

In other words, live and let live, don't ram your beliefs down our throats, and don't attempt to run your own private crusade to purify this board. This friendly warning, by the way, is giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're a legitimate main and not a dual, which I very much doubt.
So stfu with the preaching or I shall taunt you a second time.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
THAT explains your apostacy!

Well, let's see now... Latter-Day Saints (that'd be Mormons for those of you less familiar with the correct terminology) have a saying that goes something like this:

In other words, live and let live, don't ram your beliefs down our throats, and don't attempt to run your own private crusade to purify this board. This friendly warning, by the way, is giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're a legitimate main and not a dual, which I very much doubt.
So stfu with the preaching or I shall taunt you a second time.

Oh that explains it. You're a Mormon. You know that joseph Smith was a fraud and a scam artist, right?

Anyone that believes a scam artist who used a "peepstone" to find "gold", or for that matter that Native Americans are Jews must be brick short of a load. But go ahead, waste your time on the words of a scam artist and a liar.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, you know technology. I bet they could do it. Besides, if the Heathens ever got nasty, well..what are you going to do?

I certainly am not for violence, but if you can;t negotiate with them then what choice do you have? I certainly think that would be the quickest way to put down the Heathen menace.

Since HIV cannot possibly be the cause of AIDS your entire thesis is specious.

Nice rhyme, eh?

Remember AIDS in end stage results in two diseases, Kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii. These are both common bacteria.

AIDS is cause by antibiotic abuse. Amyl nitrate is a good contributor also.

There has yet to be one confirmed case of AIDS spread as a result of sexual intercourse or needle "sticks" of any kind yet.

Read Duesberg before you respond, k?