Troll Kingdom

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Monolith Tiff, Shy, Deni come back to us!

There's always something new happening around here. You just have to weed out the interesting from the infuriating. ;)
Shy said:
Actually the thing I wanted quoted to Kin was the fact that a female 'bathroom troll' in a sc doing 'extras' is indeed a prostitute even if shes not a dancer because shes giving sexual favours for money. But thats besides the point.

And actually a few TK members have agreed with me that the percentages are about right because there are a fair number of cool people here but there happens to be more losers then cool people... and the cool ones are just trapped on the insanity here... it is rather addictive to see what stunts the 90% are going to do *shrug*

Oh, right. Some follower. :mad: WHERE'S MY BEER?
keekeen said:
The only problem is I don't think Shy/Cally is cute nor am I insecure. I'm one of those guys who don't give a fuck what I say and when I say it.

You must be the favorite for stories to tell about, at family reunions. Ten years down the road.
Me myself, I live for the histrionics of interboard politics. Evidence the recent TW affair. It made the bored interesting again.
Oh, even when I appear to be super-pissed off it's all an act. I am after all just a simple troll deep inside.
Sadistic Bastard said:
This is why I stay out of inter-board politics.

What I do or say elsewhere rarely makes it's way here. Keeps my life simple.


Nine out of ten so-called trolls are so boring they just put me to sleep.

Come up with some new stuff and quit repeating yourselves :P

The other one in ten is actually pretty cool ;)
RommieSG said:
Sticks n' Stones are one thing, Shatna. But I don't like it when I try to be nice to someone, only to have them go behind my back and talk shit about me. How would that make you feel?
or stab ya in the back?? wouldn't know nothing about that would ya??