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More Online Dangers for People Like Us

Um, no.

The guy is suing because they went above and beyond online harrassment. These guys took a picture of his house and put it online, and even went as far as posting private legal information.

I would want their asses nailed to the wall as well. And so would you. Stop frontin', dude.
I'm still not sure it's actionable. I'd also be curious to obtain a complete description of the plaintiff's behavior in the chatroom.

And I'm not sure why money is involved. If it's criminal activity, fine. But a lawsuit? Explain to me why this guy deserves money.
Number_6 said:
I'm still not sure it's actionable. I'd also be curious to obtain a complete description of the plaintiff's behavior in the chatroom.
Whatever his behavior, the steps the other guys took to retaliate were disproportionate. What they did could have jeopardized the guy's home and/or work life, depending on what legal info was published, and who was watching.

And I'm not sure why money is involved. If it's criminal activity, fine. But a lawsuit? Explain to me why this guy deserves money.
Punitive damages? Deterrent? Pain and suffering? The guy should get something, if only as a deterrent to others.
Number_6 said:
Funny, that's what he said. He meant it differently, though . . .
Okay...a quiet, unassuming humor. It's there, but you have to look for it. Though never good for a belly, "I can't breathe" kinda laugh, it does amuse. :)
I see what 6 is saying. How on earth did those people that did such things to that guy get enough information to do it. He guy slipped up somewhere.
I can answer that one, LG. Being too upfront about your RL info in the flow of an online conversation is too easy. One can get carried away in the spirit of a debate.

However, chatrooms are different, I guess.
I was under the impression that the new laws were criminal codes, not civil ones. How does one quantify a monetary damage from a picture posted of one's home?

I read in a FAQ about this new harassment law, that it might have been spawned by legislators trying to crack down on bloggers critical of candidates etc... What with the midterm elections coming up, that isn't hard to believe.

Seems freedom of speech doesn't extend to having an annoying opinion any more. We live in interesting times.
Well, you need to play it close to the vest, particularly if you know that there are people who want to fuck with you.

If this guy really did drive across several states to take a picture of the plaintiff's house, I would think that the revelation that he's that much of a sorry-ass is punishment enough.

I don't buy all that "pain and suffering" shit. You sound like a trial lawyer. Of course, you are a lefty . . .

I'd be curious to know how they managed to get private legal info. If they were able to obtain it, my guess is, it isn't private. For example, I was looking up some old colleagues on Google, and I found a court document for one who was being arraigned on charges of possession of child pornography. If you can Google it, it's not exactly private.

I also had a colleague on the job market who'd been stupid enough to write a letter to a local paper expressing a conservative opinion. It came up in a Google search between the time he was called for an on-campus interview and the interview itself. The letter came up, in casual conversation during one of the meet-and-greet the candidate sessions, and he didn't get the job. Cause and effect? Who can say? But I certainly have my suspicions, what with someone coming right out and saying that they didn't think their department should hire a candidate in favor of the War in Iraq during one of the MLA sessions this year.

What scares me is that harrassment is now defined solely by the person who perceives him or herself to be harrassed. If this method of definition filters to the internet, and it is decided by a court that online harrassment is actionable, that'll be the end of Number_6.
^ I don't know how the opinion I expressed would be considered 'left', I'm in agreement here, that clearly we've crossed some absurd line, wherein the PC correctness and 'everyone just get along' mumbo-jumbo has infiltrated to the point of absurdity.

People annoy others all the time, that's not a crime against the individual, it's called real life.
^^Sorry. That was directed at PBM. She was the one talking about "pain and suffering." You must have hit "post" before I did.
Number_6 said:
^^Sorry. That was directed at PBM. She was the one talking about "pain and suffering." You must have hit "post" before I did.
One more time for the people in the back row!
A one-a, and a two-a, and a three-a....


There. I know you feel better now. :D