More retarded ramblings of a stupid dual.

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R
Yes, I know that the mental midgets here at Troll Kingdom will not receive THE TRUTH, as revealed to me via the Bible and God Himself.
This is a feeble truth to oppose the truth being exposed, that will smash the doors of oppression and end the current regime of libtard oppression, ghey loving and other evils.
After studious studying the Scriptures and inquiring of God, it has been revealed to me that neither I nor Trigger Fox are deviants. Indeed, the Scriptures never deal with such issues. However, the guiding hand of God has supplied what was so lacking in the Good Book.
It seems that God is more tolerant then the bigots of today. It is true that God reviales, hates, abhors, detests and despises homosexuals and tranny deviants, but everyone besides that is cool with God (with some other notable exceptions, of course, that even our wicked Satan controlled society acknowledges through the law).
I therefore charge you to cease and desist your evil bigotry and to repent to the Lord Jesus Christ for the evil words your wicked tongues have spoken. The Hand of God will fall on you if you do not...tremble before the awful wrath of the Lord All Mighty

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R

Sir, are you a homosexual, a Satanist, a Muslim or a libtard? If so, then not only are you a deviant, but accursed by God.
The Scriptures only condemn homosexuals and cross-dressers. I have communed with the Lord, and I have His reassurance that furries and others are NOT deviants.
I suspect your a homosexual, though. Homosexuals are especially hated by God. The Scriptures are clear on this.


What a sad sad piece of crabmeat you are, Mr.Turtle.

1. Homosexuals are not especially hated by God. He hates homosexuality the same as all sin. Homosexuals, however, he loves the same as all other peoples, that being HE DIED FOR THEM.

2. You are a lame troll.

3. Romans 3:23 so get off you holier than thou high horse, you deluded sack of fail.


Elder Statesman
Every Sinner has a Future.
Every Saint has a Past....


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
Yes, I know that the mental midgets here at Troll Kingdom will not receive THE TRUTH, as revealed to me via the Bible and God Himself.
This is a feeble truth to oppose the truth being exposed, that will smash the doors of oppression and end the current regime of libtard oppression, ghey loving and other evils.
After studious studying the Scriptures and inquiring of God, it has been revealed to me that neither I nor Trigger Fox are deviants. Indeed, the Scriptures never deal with such issues. However, the guiding hand of God has supplied what was so lacking in the Good Book.
It seems that God is more tolerant then the bigots of today. It is true that God reviales, hates, abhors, detests and despises homosexuals and tranny deviants, but everyone besides that is cool with God (with some other notable exceptions, of course, that even our wicked Satan controlled society acknowledges through the law).
I therefore charge you to cease and desist your evil bigotry and to repent to the Lord Jesus Christ for the evil words your wicked tongues have spoken. The Hand of God will fall on you if you do not...tremble before the awful wrath of the Lord All Mighty



Holy Roman Emperor
Last time I checked, most of the people who say "God Is On My Side", are one of the following things:
A) Delusional
B) Brainwashed
C) On Drugs
D) Inbred
E) All of the Above

Who wants to bet that Squirtle the Turdfucker here is E?

Also, you lie when you're saying you aren't deviant Anthony! Or will you willingly ignore the fact that you have a 'YiffyTube' Account?


Forever Empress E
Jesus was a Capricorn
he ate organic food.
He believed in love and peace
and never wore no shoes.


Elder Statesman
This could be fun, squirtle, if I believed you had ANY convictions other than using this as a troll.
