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Perhaps Bolsonaro will find time to fix that in between bouts of COVID.
Unfortunately Bolsonaro is a man against a whole army of scumbags

And even the ones who voted for him don't seem to show support

It's just like what they did to Trump, even worse, because the congress, senate and supreme court are all corrupt and bow to the whims of the left

Brazil has a plague called "big center", which encompass more than half of congressmen and senate

They are political prostitutes who constantly change sides, as long as the president keeps the money flowing for their "projects".

Only reason Bolsonaro wasn't impeached is because he bowed to the center and managed to do some progress at least with infrastructure, besides the economy, which is doing a lot worse after covid.

A good example is Argentina. They had Macri, which used of pragmatism instead of demagogy

Argentina had inflation under 10% and unemployment under control, but no real growth

They decided to bring the left back, 2021 they had more than 50% inflation. They controlled prices and stopped the country from exporting. The beef industry, for example, is almost gone. They need to import everything, from vaccines to food for the cow. That's all priced in dollar.

Brazil, being the stupid fucking hellhole it is, is going the same way. Lula, which is a corrupt scumbag who spend almost two years in jail, managed to turn the tides somehow. The supreme court is completely under his control, so he managed to get them to release him from jail and null his convictions. So he might as well be elected president again, so we can finally become Venezuela, just another Chinese-owmed country.
That's a very interesting inside look. I had no idea.
It's very rare to find real info on Brazil, even here. The media is 90% owned by the left in this country today

When you find articles in English, they're almost always against Bolsonaro and they twist the facts completely

They blame Bolsonaro of causing "political instability" and of menacing democracy by reviling the supreme court.

But the supreme court is only interesting in making the lives of criminals and corrupt politicians as easy as possible.

We were having a good streak, we impeached Dilma, arrested Lula and elected Bolsonaro.

But just like that, they media started destroying Bolsonaro's image, and as soon as the people let their guard down, they started reverting everything

Brazil has disgraceful laws. They allow you to have so many appeals, you can force the process to expire before it go to the last instance and even after that you can still appeal.

Due to huge popular pressure, we managed to get an amendment that would send them to jail after they're found guilty on the 2nd instance.

Brazil finally started jailing people who stole billions. The sate of Rio de Janeiro, for example, had all their last 5 governors arrested. The amount of corruption is just unbelievable here.

But the supreme court shot down that amendment and stopped the operations that were investigating all these crimes (it was called Car Wash and at the time it was considered the biggest effort against corruption in the whole world)

A bunch of people who were elected because they supported Bolsonaro turned his backs against him, like the governor of São Paulo.

And many of his voters, who are too stupid or lazy to get real facts, see the left-owned media bashing him and blames the guy.

Unfortunately the average Brazilian is stupid as fuck, we're a nation blessed by the weather and natural resources but the people here are almost entirely completely fucked up.
Do you guys see those insane DAs that are turning prison doors into turnstiles in places like CA and NY?

It's like that EVERYWHERE here.

Minors never go to jail. Free pass to kill, rape, rob and kidnap. When they're 18, clean slate

If you're not arrested at the moment you're committing the crime or while you're fleeing, just wait a few days and go to the cops. You'll answer for it free, even if it's murder, as long as you have an excuse.

Just a couple examples of how things (don't) work here.
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Propaganda cuts both ways! I live in one of those American cities that's had a "do not prosecute misdemeanors" policy in place for a few years now. I can say from experience that there hasn't been an uptick in petty crime, and allegedly the social impact's been positive. (I don't hang out with would-be thieves, so I couldn't tell you that from experience).

If it really is that bad in Brazil (and I believe you -- the country's famous for its violent crime), I would avoid comparing it to America.
Propaganda cuts both ways! I live in one of those American cities that's had a "do not prosecute misdemeanors" policy in place for a few years now. I can say from experience that there hasn't been an uptick in petty crime, and allegedly the social impact's been positive. (I don't hang out with would-be thieves, so I couldn't tell you that from experience).

If it really is that bad in Brazil (and I believe you -- the country's famous for its violent crime), I would avoid comparing it to America.
But you see, depending on the, uh, "demographics", these laws tend to be abused

When you have so many with 30, 40 arrests in a few years and still on the streets, it becomes chaos

There's no deterrent anymore.

I don't know if the link will open for you, it's an article translated

But this is what you need to know

The assault took place on Thursday (27). According to the husband of the battered doctor, a patient said she had Covid-19 and wanted a medical certificate. Sabrina then said she would ask for a test just to confirm the situation and would do it.
“Dissatisfied with not receiving the certificate, the patient grabbed the doctor by the hair, threw her on the floor and started hitting her head against the wall and floor, in addition to throwing punches”, said the husband.

The doctor 's husband , who was also assaulted by the couple after Sabrina asked for an exam to give a certificate, said that the professional is very shaken physically and emotionally after the case, which took place in a health unit in Novo Gama . Gabriel Lacerda, who is also a doctor, said Sabrina de Oliveira Lacerda, 28, had head injuries.

"The names of the suspects were not released by police. Therefore, g1 did not find their defense to comment on the case until the last update of this report."

^^ This here. You see? They HIDE the identities of criminals here in Brazil, especially if they "black and poor" like these were.

And this is also very common VVVVVV

"Unit officials helped break up the fight. The suspects of the aggression were taken to the police station, signed a Detailed Term of Occurrence and were released.
After the aggression, the doctor was attended, medicated and recovers at home. What remains after that is the feeling of indignation."

So there you have it. And sure, it's not right to compare Brazil and the US as a WHOLE maybe, but many cities are starting to look like over here more and more
I guess part of what you might be misunderstanding is that these leniency directives in the US focus on non-violent crime.
I guess, but nowadays I've been seen some of the kind of insanity you see here happening there

Like the guy who mowed down a bunch of people the other day in Waukesha.

Check out his priors. LOTS of violent offenses

In NY, the same happening.

I live in Brazil but I have a lot of family in the US, my kids were born there and I don't rule out the possibility of living there again in the future

So I like to follow these kind of news very closely and believe me, the parallels couldn't be clearer

The seeds are being planted there, same way they were planted here 20 years ago and now, you can't stop the outgrowth.

There are a lot of problems in my country, but "not enough boots on necks" is not one of them.

I'm more worried about the rent-seekers, the looters of my country's inheritance, the corrupt, the nepotists, the Trumps, the Pelosis, the Sacklers. A moral panic about a nonexistent crime wave makes it more difficult to roust people like that from power and to reverse my country's stagnation at their hands.

There are a lot of problems in my country, but "not enough boots on necks" is not one of them.

I'm more worried about the rent-seekers, the looters of my country's inheritance, the corrupt, the nepotists, the Trumps, the Pelosis, the Sacklers. A moral panic about a nonexistent crime wave makes it more difficult to roust people like that from power and to reverse my country's stagnation at their hands.
I guess you wanna skip the side missions and go straight for the final boss then.
Say, after 18 years, why do you still play the resident ankle-biter role?

Asking for a friend.
Save the superiority complex for when you achieve at least "recurring character" status on this show. Slinging "ankle biter" at anyone, when you're here two or three times every couple years, smacks of CeeJay/blackfoot/etc's pretending to be a staff member.

Your participation level, in other words, does not rate the attitude you're presenting.
Save the superiority complex for when you achieve at least "recurring character" status on this show. Slinging "ankle biter" at anyone, when you're here two or three times every couple years, smacks of CeeJay/blackfoot/etc's pretending to be a staff member.

Your participation level, in other words, does not rate the attitude you're presenting.

So I actually gave this some thought

Is there some sort of "flame board etiquette" I'm ignoring?

I mean, just because I was never very active here, when I do, I have to, take crap from you, just STFU and be all humble and shit?

I'm really confused here. It's not like I was the one starting shit with you, is it?
So I actually gave this some thought

Is there some sort of "flame board etiquette" I'm ignoring?

I mean, just because I was never very active here, when I do, I have to, take crap from you, just STFU and be all humble and shit?

I'm really confused here. It's not like I was the one starting shit with you, is it?
I'm not saying you'll never be in a position to put on airs. But you ain't earned that position yet. Put in your time. Pay your dues. Earn your stripes. Show us somethin'. Then you can bark like the big dogs.
I'm not saying you'll never be in a position to put on airs. But you ain't earned that position yet. Put in your time. Pay your dues. Earn your stripes. Show us somethin'. Then you can bark like the big dogs.
I gave you the freaking moths

It's a good start