Movie Idea...


Zombie Hunter

They're making movies of everything. Having done movies based on '70s TV shows and movies of video games, it is only a matter of time before we see Minesweeper: The Motion Picture, starring Ben Affleck or some goddamned thing. But you know the movie I think they should make?

[slow fade in to a foggy moor][cue trailer-guy voiceover and etheral music]
VO: It is another time. It is another place...
[dissolve to helicopter shot of a lonely castle on a rock]
VO: A time of myth and legend.
[cut to a close-up of a sword being slowly drawn in torchlight]
VO: A time of heroes...
[cut to closeup of an arrow being knocked and drawn]
[music stops]
VO: And monsters.
[quick cut to a close-up of a hideous, screaming orc/goblin]
[music picks up into heroic Stargate/Pirates of the Caribbean theme and a series of lightning-quick cuts of action/fight scenes]
VO: From producer Jerry Bruckheimer comes a tale long forgotten...

Based on a story by Gary Gygax...



The Borderlands.

[Cut to logo, Summer 2010]


Zombie Hunter
God, I'm such a geek. :D


Zombie Hunter
Only if it's hardcore dungeon porn.

[Shit. That was a pun and I didn't even notice it.]