[Today 03:09 AM] PreatorX: This is why MX will never get laid.
[Today 03:09 AM] MessengerX: Ok.
[Today 03:09 AM] PreatorX: Nah, you can have fun with that on your own.
[Today 03:09 AM] Love Child: will you be an idiot mx?
[Today 03:08 AM] MessengerX: Fuck off, twat.
[Today 03:08 AM] Love Child: hi MX
[Today 03:08 AM] MessengerX: Will you paste this chat into a thread or something?
[Today 03:08 AM] Love Child: not
[Today 03:08 AM] Love Child: no but I am
[Today 03:08 AM] PreatorX: Meh. Whatever.
[Today 03:07 AM]MessengerX: It wasn't that funny, PX. Are you high?
[Today 03:07 AM] MessengerX: I write a short comment and come back to see you idiots still discussing me?
[Today 03:07 AM] PreatorX: *kiss* LC!
[Today 03:07 AM] PreatorX: LOL!
[Today 03:07 AM] Love Child: there.
[Today 03:07 AM] Love Child: omg! I sooo care! OMG I am sooo offended!
[Today 03:06 AM] PreatorX: I know. I guess that's why he's doing it.
[Today 03:06 AM] Love Child: thing is, he thinks I care
[Today 03:06 AM] PreatorX: LOL. Night LC.
[Today 03:06 AM] Love Child:

[Today 03:06 AM] PreatorX: See what I mean? LC hasn't done anything to you, and you're acting like a complete jackass to her.
[Today 03:05 AM] PreatorX: STFU MX.
[Today 03:05 AM] MessengerX: One can only hope.
[Today 03:05 AM] PreatorX: Are you going LC?
[Today 03:04 AM] Love Child: night preat
[Today 03:04 AM] PreatorX: I had NEVER negged you once before last night, but who give a shit anyway.
[Today 03:03 AM] PreatorX: I've negged you what? Twice? And that was after you decieded you hate everyone.
[Today 03:02 AM] MessengerX: Yeah. But you love negging me, don't you? LOL!
[Today 03:02 AM] PreatorX: Karma's a joke anyway.
[Today 03:02 AM] Henoch: i'm struggling to say this, but...LOL!!
[Today 03:01 AM] PreatorX: Oh no. I might get red karma. Boo fucking hoo.
[Today 03:01 AM] PreatorX: No. Not at all. 90% of everything on TK isn't worth it.
[Today 03:01 AM] MessengerX: Neg him, Henoch. What's the point of having that karma if you don't use it?
[Today 03:00 AM] Henoch: did someone say anything hearing worthy??
[Today 03:00 AM] PreatorX: What're ya gonna do to me Hen?
[Today 03:00 AM] PreatorX: No... I was insulting him saying he has to "destroy" me. Oh boohoo. I'm so freaking scared.
[Today 02:59 AM] MessengerX: Sort of two-faced if you ask me.
[Today 02:59 AM] PreatorX: I'm not really trolling, I really don't have intewrest in it.
[Today 02:59 AM] MessengerX: BTW Henoch, PX is acting nice in the shoutbox, and insulting you in the thread.
[Today 02:58 AM] MessengerX: But.... I thought I was a bad troll?

[Today 02:58 AM] Henoch: the bantering of troll tards has increased my desire to be dead!
[Today 02:57 AM] MessengerX: Henoch, why?
[Today 02:56 AM] Henoch: or any blunt object that'll cause severe DEATH!
[Today 02:56 AM] MessengerX: And I don't want to sift through 2,400 pages, but everything I wrote was true.
[Today 02:56 AM] Henoch: could someone take a hammer to my head please!!
[Today 02:56 AM] MessengerX: I can't prove what he wrote because it was in the Shoutbox, and not a thread.
[Today 02:55 AM] MessengerX: If you have any doubts about PreatorX, see what I posted in that thread.
[Today 02:55 AM] PreatorX: Nah man, I totally remember it.
[Today 02:55 AM] MessengerX: Henoch, I'm liking you more and more, and not in 'that' way.
[Today 02:55 AM] PreatorX: I actually don't hate anyone. Except clowns... And geisha.
[Today 02:54 AM] Henoch: You suffer from severe brain damage then PX!
[Today 02:53 AM] PreatorX: Henoch, I remember when you were a nice loveable guy! Everyone was his best friend then!
[Today 02:53 AM] Henoch: !!