My back and neck are killing me!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
You know you're fucking getting old when you hurt yourself SLEEPING.

"How'd you strain your back? Lifting weights? Bar fight? Fending off a shark attack?"

"Nope. Slept wrong."

Argh, I'm in pain....I need some Hillbilly Heroin. Or Advil, at the very least.


Can I have Ops?
I feel it.

I have to have myself stretched by a muscular lesbian every two weeks to get my neck in place. Trust me, it isn't erotic in any way shape or form.


listen gurrel, i'm gone-ah gets mines whens I waants it. <snap snap>


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I didn't do nothin'! Hell, we don't even sleep in the same bed! BDM snores...LOUDLY.


King of Sarcasm
You know you're fucking getting old when you hurt yourself SLEEPING.

"How'd you strain your back? Lifting weights? Bar fight? Fending off a shark attack?"

"Nope. Slept wrong."

Argh, I'm in pain....I need some Hillbilly Heroin. Or Advil, at the very least.

Its usualy caused by a draft. I used to get those sometimes. Try sleeping with a t-shirt if you dont already.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Hmmm...I never thought of it being a draft. I generally crank the A/C at night, because I'd rather be cold than hot. But I've been sleeping without a t-shirt for a long time now. I'll try it and see what happens, thanks for the tip!