My Cody Thread


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hi Cody,

This is my thread for you. In at least two of your posts, you've made references to liking it here, and enjoying the actual level of community a place like this offers. You've also indicated a desire to continue to post here.

Refreshing, isn't it? It's one of the reasons TK has been my "home board" since I joined up six years ago. Bestest board I ever posted at, will probably always be that way for me.

The treatment you've been getting compared to what I went through to join shows how the board has matured and mellowed over the years. So your "hazing" if you will has been pretty mild all the way around.

Just want you to know all n00bs who decide to stay have to go through it, and that's really all it is. The fact that you like it here and want to be part of it is enough to have it welcome you.

Now, would you please put some fucking clothes on, I'm sick of looking at the doughboy with a banjo :D
The King of Gutters Pussies found a new 'home board' and proceeded to shit all over it like the last one.

this brings a tear to my eye