Troll Kingdom

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My Day


New member
The sound of a door slamming closed woke me up. It was a family member who swiped anothers' credit card (Sort of borrowed, it's all good) and informed me that we would take it to the local supermarket to get something to eat in this godforsaken hell-hole.

I couldn't finish this last beer so I had something to get me in that TK, drunk post jive this morning (Morning for me, not for you).

The guy I sell cigarettes to was out but I managed to find him. After parting ways I went ahead and purchased some food and a couple of beers.

I really need to get my slowly-becoming-fat ass down to the gym again because beer guts can be controlled, but fuck those calories man.... I've got to stop before I get tits. Lifting weights will make you larger and stronger but won't hide that sliver of you-know-what around your more important areas.


I'm sitting, drinking and smoking and posting this, and listening to the theme song from the Angel series which just so happens to totally own Buffy.
It's a shitty rendition but when all else fails just employ that magic word: Meh.

But goddamn that QOTW is really terrible. Trolls shouldn't eat their own...

How is your day?
Thank god. I was run over some kind of truck last night because my head is spinning and I feel like some newborn doe. I passed out in front of the television to 'Collataral' or it's proper spelling, the film with Tom Cruise and Jammie Foxx.

Thank god for this ice-cold gatorade or European variant... I'm a European dual, remember?

Isee a bunch of PMs and even additions to my MSN chat.

Are you hacking my computer???
It would be fun to get drunk with you :) I loved Collateral. Like taking LSD without taking it.
Messenger said:
But goddamn that QOTW is really terrible. Trolls shouldn't eat their own...

Beware the greeneyed monster. You're just jealous. ;)

Besides, no one ever said I was a troll.
You're probably right. If it was me flaming another member, but as long as I was up there, I wouldn't care.
We got some good stuff here. Meat and all sorts of stuff. I'm having some Pepsi.

I got drunk with friends during Easter and a buddy currently stationed in Iraq visited. He won't be going back, thankfully, but he told us some damned horrible tales.

It seems that a suicide bomber in some car blew up a couple of feet away from his friend. He told us it's like one minute he's there, and the next, poof. Nothing left of him. Him and 20 guys had to pick up the pieces of his best friend. He is survived by a wife and child.

It's time to open another....
I hate these hangovers. The only way to cure them is to have some more bear....

The stripper invasion is an interesting diversion but we all have to partake in some activity because otherwise we'll get bored of each other.

Perhaps randomly find a forum and go on a little skirmish? The strippers will attack from the east while the TKers from the north... it can't fail.

jack said:
It would be fun to get drunk with you :) I loved Collateral. Like taking LSD without taking it.
The scene in the club is awesome.
Now I'll have to think of another sig...

Maybe posting little memoirs after knocking back a few cold ones on Troll Kingdom wasn't such a good idea after all.

I just finished cutting up a London shoulder surlion or some kind of meat. At the moment it's sitting in a pan, covered with teriyaki and some Vegeta (It's an all-purpose seasoning like Adobo with so much stuff in it it's possible to add hot water and make a little soup from it).

Found it:


Being able to cook is something someone should be proud of. I don't see how some guys scoff at the idea of making their own food (:eek:).

Give a new meaning to the term 'back-breaking.'

After spending hours working on projects (Music and such) I sympathise with people who suffer from work-related, repetative wear and tear. Although I'm able to observe the daily chaos at TK I'd still rather be doing physical labour. At least you can move around, stretch and what have you.
Well this has been a very fruitful week!

Not only have a discovered that my bed was giving me these horrible back problems, with cracking that now accompanies me even as I breath :rwmad:, but that I wouldn't be able to throw it out until I got my hands on a wrench to disassemble it and sleep and the mattress

So I slept for 3 hours and couldn't go back into Dreamland, for the past 3 days, and my computer chair seems to be the only place where I can sit and not feel intense physical pain which makes you squirm and make faces and stuff.

Ain't life grand???

There is a little bit of consolation. Living well does reap rewards in the form of revenge.

An ex-girlfriend who took my money and stuff.. I long ago discovered the fact that I wasn't her 'primary' bf and threatened to smash her face in. Well it shut her up and she gave me some berth.

My friend told me he saw her in a bar, and how she had a new sicko BF who painted her name across his house.

She was so beautiful, but guess what????

She's so fat now! LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Good for you, ya twat!

I now understand the satisfaction women get in their contemptful gossip. It does make one feel good!
Monolith said:
Smash her face??????

Anger problems?
The only difference between myself and some angry bitch who has been scorned, abused, and treated like shit is that I'm 6'1 and can do something about it.