My Friend has a Dog named Spot....that he wants Killed!!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
One of my associates has a dog that has completely gone Kujo on him..

Guy says he got him as a half grown puppy. Dog was being used by gangbangers as a fighting dog. Fucktards fed everything from hot sauce to food laced in gunpowder to him, and used to beat him constantly. Needless to say, these jackasses are all in jail now!

Thie buddy of mines decided that instead of letting the pound put the dog down, he would try to save it. Guy says he took the dog to the vet, paid a small fortune having it nursed back to health, and tried making a normal house dog out of him..

Bad Idea!

Guy says the dog took kindly to him at first, but in time it started to change. When he decided to befriend this dog, he never took under consideration what frame of mind this dog was in. One day the dog got out and ran off. Dog was gone for about a week. When it came back, he took it in the house, and thats when he started to notice a big change in its behavior.

The dog he says, won't bark anymore. When he feeds him, it won't let him stand behind it either. Whenever it starts to eat its food, the dog will always circle his bowl making sure that his owner is always standing right in front of it where it can see him

Also, this dog he says, will sit in the corner just staring at him. It won't bark or move a muscle. It just sites there silently staring at him without moving an inch, and will continue to do so until he makes it go downstairs into the basement.

When he comes home from work, the dog used to run to the door barking. This too has stopped. Whats really getting scary about him is that the last time he came home and opened the door, this dog was nowhere to be seen. At first he thought that maybe this dog is sick. Then he thought about everything that lead up to this and came to the conclusion that this dog is NOT sick, but is somewhere hiding. This friend of mines went to the closet and got his baseball bat out, and went through the whole house looking for him while turning every light in the house on. This dog was nowhere to be found. When he went into the kitchen and opened the ice box, he looked over his shoulder, and there it was, just sitting there silently starting at him without moving a muscle. Now tail wagging, no ears raised, no nothing. He just sat there.. starting at him.

My buddy says that he no longer trust this dog (at all) and thinks its time to let the pound take it and put him to sleep!!!

What do you all think about this!!
The poor dog must have trust issues after being abused by people. Can you really blame the beastie? It doesn't sound like the dog has never tried to harm your friend, but i can understand the caution. Sadly, this dog will probably never be in a normal frame of mind again & that is probably dangerous for a dog...too unpredictable. I'd take the dog to the pound if it were me.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
He keeps him in the basement now, and admits that he sometimes gets afraid to go down there. He has to go down there to feed him each day and to clean up after him. He lets him out in the yard, but this dog of his seems to have him so nervous that he sometimes acts as if he's afraid to go into the house alone.

I too agree, that as sad as it may be, it would be best to simply have him ethanized before it decides to attack!
