My love/hate relationship with Lady Gaga has reached an Endgame.

MMMMUUUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My evil plan has worked!!

Since Just Dance I've loved me some GaGa...It just reminded me of back in the day when L_G was in the club and it is the kind of song that would get me on the dance floor.
I liked her before she was cool.
But really I didn't know her whenever I heard CaptainWacky mention her for the first time. That seemed like a year ago.
I like what she represents (people in the mainstream music industry actually having talent again) but I don't really like her music.
I have decided to dislike her, due to her rising popularity and my inane desire to be "edgy" on the internet.
I'm saddened by my own psyche warming to her. It goes against the fabric of my being, and only confirms what an unfussy old shit I'm becoming.

I hope there's room on that balcony between Statler & Waldorf.