I don't know who MessengerX is. Plain and simple.
However, for the last two days I have had a very strong suspicion as to who the person behind the dual really was.
My suspicion was based on a few factors including posting times, comments, style, dropped hints in the shoutbox and general attitude. However, this afternoon, when this "game" that MX started turned nasty, I came to the realization that MX could not possibly be the person I thought was the owner of the dual. While the person I had in mind can be annoying, childish and obnoxious, he doesn't have a mean or nasty bone in his body and would bow out of a discussion or conversation rather than take the chance of insulting someone or damaging an on line relationship for the sake of a few insults. And while this person has used duals in the past, he has always been consistent with the way he posts. I don't think he's capable of changing his posting style to that extreme even if he tried.
It's for that reason I don't regret my decision to not cave into the demands of MessengerX to play his game and allow who I thought he was to be revealed in public. And I ask that those of you who have been privy to the information also guard against it being released.
As for who MessengerX is, I still have some ideas but overall, I'm not to concerned about it. Fact is, I don't really care. It was fun in the beginning and I'm sure that at sometime it will come to light. I think the one thing we've learned at TK is that when you play with a dual and you are well known, you eventually get burned.