My thoughts on the CURRENT WWE Divas!!


I want to smell dark matter

Mickie James: Hot (in a more normal way than the others), good wrestler.
Gail Kim: Not hot, was good in TNA, seems to blow moves whenever she's in a WWE ring.
Jillian Hall: Not hot, bad wrestler.
Maryse: HOT. Tries hard but not a good wrestler.
Beth Phoenix: Hot, good wrestler. Maybe the best in the company.
Alicia Fox: Hot. Decent wrestler for her experience level.
Rosa Mendes: Hot. Bad bad wrestler.
Kelly Kelly: Hot in a way that doesn't really appeal to me, nothing wrestler.


Michelle McCool: Hot but too skinny. Good wrestler, actually, but lacking charisma.
Natalya: Not hot, good wrestler.
Eve Torres: Hot, good wrestler for her experience level.
Layla: Hot, average for her experience level.
Maria: Hot in a way that doesn't appeal to me, bad wrestler.
Melina: HOT. Good wrestler.


The Bella Twins: HOT. Terrible wrestler.
Katie Lea Burchill: Fairly hot, good wrestler.

And yes, I had to use wikipedia to get their names.


I wouldn't turn any of them down.

Trish is back as RAW GM next week. Good to see Trish back, but anyone written into that role has sucked so far, so we'll just have to hope the fanboy OMGTRISHISBACK element will overide the suck factor.


bob barker had his moments, so did ted debiase.

did you see the title match a couple weeks ago on raw, between kim and pheonix? it was terrible.


I want to smell dark matter
Kim and Mickie, you mean? Yeah, that's what I mean about Kim. She keeps blowing moves now she's back in WWE, but she was really good in TNA. It's weird.

I actually thought Freddie Prinze Junior did a good job as GM. His "angry" acting was quite good (even a mediocre Hollywood actor is better than you usually get in wrestling) and he took a good bump for Randy Orton. Seth Green was alright too. The worst are the ones who obviously aren't fans and are just reading from a script (Jeremy Piven and his infamous "Summerfest" remark.)


I want to smell dark matter

The Question

Eh, big disappoint. I've seen Hooters waitresses more athletic than those dames.


I want to smell dark matter
Gail Kim had a good match with Alicia on RAW and didn't mess up a single move, so I take back SOME of the things I said about her. Alicia looked really good and is my "tip for the future" (or something.)