Troll Kingdom

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My titties are in here. (*bare boobie alert*)

But you did post them like the first day you came here, right? In front of a mirror, with a camera visible???

Yes, i'm aware of that...not seeing the point...

And yes, they are in fact still hanging out on imageshack.
That's what I liked most about tiff was that she had the tits to put those up. She's cute, and then remember someone started (I think it was Lucy) the whole "she's fat" thing. Maybe it was blade, I forgert and am too lazy to go figure it out, let me drink my fucking cofee and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ABOUT TIFF'S TITS ALREADY ALRIGHT???
That isn't what you do with titties, goofy, Especially nice titties like those.
jack said:
That's what I liked most about tiff was that she had the tits to put those up. She's cute, and then remember someone started (I think it was Lucy) the whole "she's fat" thing. Maybe it was blade, I forgert and am too lazy to go figure it out, let me drink my fucking cofee and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE ABOUT TIFF'S TITS ALREADY ALRIGHT???

Eh? Blade? I don't think so...I believe it was Lucy.