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My wierd dream


New member
I dreamt that while I was getting a wound checked out at a clinic I found myself in, 4 hoodlums burst in and asked if I was the guy who posts as MessengerX. I shouldn't have said yes, because they attacked me. I fucked one up pretty good (the actor who played John Conner in T3), but there were 4 of them. They left and told me that if I knew what was good for me, I wouldn't post here anymore.

I asked them if they sought me out just because of internet stuff... they said something about some distant cousin telling another distant cousin ad infinitum.

I woke up and made a face like this guy: :huh:

Then I went back to sleep, and started 'believing' the same dream again. This time, the hoodlums took those nice people in the clinic hostage. They caught me back there, tied my arms behind my back, and threw me into a room where the others were kept. They put some sort of industrial chemical in the next room that would slowly poison us. But it could have all been a hoax.

I managed to get free, and untied the nice old geezers.

It gets wierder and more symbolic but it was definitely disturbing because of the realism involved. Earlier in the dream, I imagined that I was crushing the Doom3 demons (hi Rommie) with my bare hands.

I think my mind was trying to get back at me for my insolence.
MessengerX said:
I dreamt that while I was getting a wound checked out at a clinic I found myself in, 4 hoodlums burst in and asked if I was the guy who posts as MessengerX. I shouldn't have said yes, because they attacked me. I fucked one up pretty good (the actor who played John Conner in T3), but there were 4 of them. They left and told me that if I knew what was good for me, I wouldn't post here anymore.

I asked them if they sought me out just because of internet stuff... they said something about some distant cousin telling another distant cousin ad infinitum.

I woke up and made a face like this guy: :huh:

Then I went back to sleep, and started 'believing' the same dream again. This time, the hoodlums took those nice people in the clinic hostage. They caught me back there, tied my arms behind my back, and threw me into a room where the others were kept. They put some sort of industrial chemical in the next room that would slowly poison us. But it could have all been a hoax.

I managed to get free, and untied the nice old geezers.

It gets wierder and more symbolic but it was definitely disturbing because of the realism involved. Earlier in the dream, I imagined that I was crushing the Doom3 demons (hi Rommie) with my bare hands.

I think my mind was trying to get back at me for my insolence.

So you got your ass kicked by the little rascals. Drink some warm milk before you go to bed next time.

Oh, I would suggest you lay off the Power Rangers DVDs at least 2 hours before bed time also.
Sarek said:
So you got your ass kicked by the little rascals. Drink some warm milk before you go to bed next time.
They weren't little rascals. And it's vodka, not milk, you aging old cunt.

Oh, I would suggest you lay off the Power Rangers DVDs at least 2 hours before bed time also.
No way.
OMG, I dreamed I beat the shit out of you last night. You were wet and you weren't interesting.
eloisel said:
OMG, I dreamed I beat the shit out of you last night. You were wet and you weren't interesting.
Provoking the Dual Liberation Army Vice President for no reason? You're starting to fit in more and more, eloisel................. I thought we had a truce.....

MessengerX said:
Provoking the Dual Liberation Army Vice President for no reason? You're starting to fit in more and more, eloisel................. I thought we had a truce.....

Aw, baby, you aren't mad, are you sugar dumplings? It was just a dream. You must have been projecting and I picked up on it, is all.
MessengerX said:
Provoking the Dumb Librarian Army Vice Pussy for no reason? You're starting to fit in more and more, eloisel................. I thought we had a truce.....


Truce? You won't stand a chance against eloisel, fuckwit.
MessengerX said:
They weren't little rascals. And it's vodka, not milk, you aging old cunt.

Ah. Alcohol induced hallucinations. That would also explain your delusions of perceived power at TK. Better watch out. I hear cirrhosis is a bitch.

MessengerX said:

Suit yourself. I bet you like to dream you're the pink ranger though don't ya? ;)
Let's write a play.

MessengerX: I'm going to share something personal that makes me look feminine. Those trolls will never laugh at that. I'm going to give them some rope so if it does suck, they can hang me later.
Trolls on TK:Ha HA, nancy boy got fuked up!
Trolls on TK: did you wet the bed, too little boy?
Trolls on TK: I'm not your mother. You can't come sleep in my bed every time you have a bad dream.
MessengerX: I was being interesting.
Trolls on TK: You're not interesting, you're a fag!
MessengerX: I think I'll go kill myself now.

<MessengerX then pulls the trigger on the pistol in his mouth, splattering not blood but spaghettio's on the back wall>

The End.

It's a noir film. A comedic tragedy.