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Nascent Drama Redux

Dershocka said:
Did you cry this much at whatever you board you come from?

youve moved beyond simple stalking, to tryin to obtain actual knowledge bout me. :blush:
Bah, I'll finish karmaing this thread later because I'm tired.

But I can't believe that you guys broke the greening for a few insignificant noobs.

Where is your integrity?

Cacophony said:
Bah, I'll finish karmaing this thread later because I'm tired.

But I can't believe that you guys broke the greening for a few insignificant noobs.

Where is your integrity?

J&L Massacres said:
Sure it is... there ya go!
you make posting seem so easy. if only I could figure it out. Maybe my count would increase, so I wouldnt havta be a n00b anymore.

::shakes fist at post count::

I want the wisdom and respect which accompanies you when represented in excess!!!!
I would rather a true karma than a two faced karma and a STFU Noob. Just tell me how you really feel. Give it to me. I can handle it.
My box has been red before, and it will be red again.
First of all, thanks to all of you who saved this thread from a horrible fate on page 2 while I was.. err... busy elsewhere :D

Well. The good news is... I am not a Pandora's Box of Tedium anymore. YAY!
The bad news is... I HATE MY NEW KARMA TITLE. Well, ok, at least I don't smell like fish as Sniper Kitty does currently, but seriously! NOTHING is less interesting than a repair manual.
Yeah, but I still hope that
a) I get enough people to karma me so this painful experience doesn't last long, or
b) by forcing Cacophony to come over here again and again I keep her from pleasing GTC which in turn will annoy the Cow enough to change the titles into "Ilyanna is the greatest gift to TK since The Dork Lord registered" or something like that.
