Hi all you Trolls and Trollettes out there.I'm here to point out I've updated my signature.
It's an interesting way to take care of a problem that will not go away.It's not me trying to hold on the the board I was permabanned from, it's the problem of the board holding on to my posts that I want removed.I am the victim, not the dastardly flaming maniac that I was painted to be.:gtc: I have written for the past week, email after email to the web site, yet I still am receiving the same disrespect and dismissive attitude that caused me to flame the moderator in the first place.I thought I'd start my self preservation of my good name here.BTW this is not revenge, though it is rather sweet. This is WAR!Number_6, this is the God Forsaken Hell Hole for people who have been banned from other boards, is it not?No, EI and I are cool.Though Orpheus being made admin, tends to make we shiver.

Gender is not an issue with me. Rare that a man would take on the timid creatures' name though. I'm not really timid, just easy going.Thank you A Karas for the compliment.My problem is where I lost my cool after being taunted too long.I've just uploaded another email from the Ogre Osiris where he calls me two faced while blackmailing me. It's linked into the web page that pops up when you click my signature. That web page also has a link to the thread on this board where I refute the permaban.Or you can just view the new overwrite
This one overwrites a personal smilie I used all over the board at one time.That ought to keep them hoping trying to find and delete it. :slap:I'm only trying to point out to the rest of the Internet community where the membership overlaps heavily with the KHCMB that the wrong person was perma banned from that board. If you read the KHC board policy, anyone who trolls another member to start a flame war is to be immediately permabanned.If there was a petition to have O. remove as moderator from that board....It's not EI A Karas, I have no problem with that place, though I don't have a lot of time for it while I'm busy stopping Canada Post from undermining the Canadian economy and ripping off its employees as well as the public.
The Canada Post Letter Shark Home PageI want my posts deleted on the KHC message board and the thread masked where the moderator slandered my good name to cover over the fact that he trolled me to start a flame war.They could do the right thing there, kick his ass off the board, and celebrate me home. It would be nice to be home for Christmas.It's not going to happen unless, "I Raise a Little Hell!"I'm just the little devil to do it too.
D.Your articulation leaves me nothing to respond to Mandi other than check out the link in my signature.New evidence that trolling EI is a waste of time and there are better fish to fry.So far, they are still treating me with their usual dismissive disrespect at the KHCMB The board last time I bothered to look, was on members view only, after I emailed the moderator a copy of his sticky having to do with deleted posts.
This proves to me that they are receiving my emails.Since I'm asking to have my posts deleted, and I have a copy of Keith Cobb's deleted posted from July 01 2002, that caused all the fireworks there, I decided to overwrite one of my gifs that can be found on multiple boards.I also called them out to take me to court. They won't, not if they don't want me to counter sue for defamation of character and I will then have grounds to prove Keith was stalking me.
Here is the deleted post, I uploaded it twice, the second time is not connected to anywhere on the board. So they may as well deleted some of my posts while they are looking for it. Don't you think?D. pats her horns down for the day.
Hi Tom, welcome to my thread.It's not revenge I seek, I wish no harm to those who still hang on his board, and I still adore Keith with every breath I take.A law suit to clear my slandered name would be cool. However I don't want to go there if I don't have to. I will win, I have no doubt. If they mask the thread where O. slandered me, that would be the end of my endeavors. However, the Ogre won't do this, because then he would be admitting that he trolled me and he would be subject to the board rules of Infaban for those who troll others to start a flame war.What makes you think that it's still Keith's board?As far as I can see he has deserted the web site, it has not been updated since before I was tag teamed by the mods in 03.He has only posted once, since he tried to calm the board over my permaban.That one time was directly after I pointed out to his Ogre that Keith must have printed out the color of the shirt I suggested he wear on Y & R, 4 to 6 weeks earlier. Darkgolden rod is not an easy color to find in a silk shirt his size. When he did post, the next day, Keith had absolutely nothing good to say about either of his mods. If you knew the man from his past posts, this should have sounded warning bells. He can't say anything against his mod, but the omittance of his usual praise was music to my ears.Tom, it's not Keith's board anymore, it belongs to O. we all wish him well, well off the board and making a life for himself where he's not tormenting Keith's fans.I've just got my XP back from the shop, someone delivered a couple of vicious virusi to me and the kindly tech guy only charged me for an hour of his time as well as installing Norton for me. What a sweety! Every morning I'm going to update it. so who ever is trying to silence me, forget it. (I'm not saying it's O. who sent the virusii, Canada Post is under siege in both French and English for undermining the Canadian economy. I have a web site to alert the public that Canada Post is run by a bunch of lying crooks.)I've been using my old Pentium and it stopped me from checking my emails, but I wasn't surprised to read this when I finally logged in tonight.Dated 12/31/1969 7:00 PM:roll:
No problem folks, I have plenty of email accounts.Ya know what? I'm a little suspicious of that warning message from Sympatico. Not just the cock-a-may-me date either. It didn't go to my main address it went to the one I rarely use and have never used to send messages to the web site.In fact for the past 5 days I've been using Hotmail.So who read Keith's deleted post yet? Hot or what!Can't wait for his book on erotica to come out.
Hey Friday, welcome,Yeah, how old is Keith as far as you can figure?According to his bio he was born in ' 62 that would make him 43.The story of Dorian Gray comes to mind when one looks at how well he haskept his good looks. Then again, it's probably in the genes. I liked one of his more recent pictures where you could see the gray in his beard.it turned me on! Then again, according to the Senior Olympics I qualify.
eloiselYou trolling me woman?
FridayA nerd was he?More fuel for my fire that all those weird emails I got Aug. 04 up until I changed my password at Hotmail where from him.He took his auntie to the Emmy awards in New York to keep the Barbitchuates away from him.It had to do with a joke about a bear who went into the bar and the bartender would not serve him. I can't remember all the joke, but the bear ate the woman at the end of the bar, and the barkeep would still not serve a bear on drugs, because it was a bar bitch he ate!I love Keith, he's crazy about his games.Hi Cait, Always good to see you and your mellow demeanor.You have me at a loss, who is Jillian? Is that another one of the Ogre's victims? Or a character in a book like The Perils of Pauline? Cut to the chase with me please, I'm the victim not the protagonist.Is there ever going to be any of the members of the KHCMB willing to sign that petition to have Osiris removed as the mod, or am I still dealing with a group of victims with not enough back bone to give Keith back his board?I'll tell you now what I told my son, I'm not crazy when it comes to Keith, he's crazy, and I'm dealing with a crazy man!Look at that picture of him getting himself arrested for those silent phone calls he makes? That barbiturate joke, it was posted in my bar at Gordon's. He read it and used it in a spam email to explain why he took his aunt to the Emmys.I started calling him a typing donkey and he sent me this picture I added the white text, that came with it. It was not spam, it wasn't selling anything but donkeys?
The man is crazy, a loony tune, and I adore every inch of his nonsense, thought it makes me appear to be as nuts as he is.Hell last year he thought I was flirting with some other guy, he got all nasty because he did no know that I knew it was him. We make Shakespeare's plots simplistic in comparison.I found his blog, and though it's no longer on line, not the last time I looked, it took me hours to read one page. I had to look up half the words, but I didn't miss his comment on my D. of the Dew animation being a quanta jitterbug and non iconoclastic, he did mention my name, that helped.The fact that he knew that acerbic guganhiem susy who left me negative feed back because his cartographic handkerchief got lost in the mail and finally showed up at his museum, so he with drew the negative was posted in that blog before I read my Hotmail message telling that he had with drawn the negative feed back!So don't call me crazy Cait, I'm a refection of a very unique and bizarre love affair.I suspect O. drove me off the board because he was jealous of Keith's affection for me. You know I spoiled Keith with all those gifs, treats, standing behind all his decisions, my Y & R reviews, and heart felt poetry. I'm one of Keith's favorite gypsies.So don't try to discredit me by calling this babe crazy. I use to think I was crazy, and I fought tooth and nail to get out of this relationship several times. So far he refuses to let me go, he does allow me vacations, because who can keep their right mind while being caught up in all his games?Okay Gay, let's have it out in public since you have forbidden me to contact you through emails.We will set up a court, I will show evidence that you are a two faced, fair weather friend, who is only out to save her own skin.Exhibit one: Unfortunately Gordon deleted the thread where you told me how much you loved me. You will remember that, it was right before you took off back to the KHCMB so that you could continue to suck up to Osiris, because he was making your life miserable being a friend of mine.Exhibit two:
The Osiris Just Makes Me Cry Thread Replies #9, 12, and 13.I've said enough about how two faced you are Gay. After reading your analysis of the Lord of the Flies last night.....You know why that thread was not deleted with the other old threads? Osiris decided he had not tried to steal my joy in a while so he posted a reply to a question directed at me. I had refused to answer it because I did not want that thread bumped. Beside the answer was rhetorical.BTW Keith did answer those last few letters that where accompanied with either heavy books or gifts of china, so they where delivered in LA and not shipped to the New York office where O. could vandalize them. That's why I threatened to have his dial up disconnected, those silent calls (*69 led to an unlisted #) where starting to hurt my pride.Here's another story that might shows how nuts Keith is. If you recall, in his last post he mentions going to Detroit. This could also be another one of the multitude of freaky coincidences, but one of my ebay customers wanted to fly me down to Detroit for dinner just about the time Keith would have been there. I did research, and he said the Dr. that I had been researching was the son, he was the father. His mother was a Dr. so I suspect an old family friend, and he had asked to use Captain12AM's ebay and email accounts.I found it very strange that someone would be hitting on me through ebay when the web is full of chat rooms where you can get yourself a date in your own town.I declined the invitation to wear my fishnet stocking for a multitude of reasons. If it was Keith, I would have been there in a heart beat, but if he insists on playing his games, he can eat alone.I'm up for adventures, for sure, but a strange city in a different country, no safe harbor, pass.That's what I'm asking for here, so I don't have to hire a lawyer.I don't need a shrink.Here's another ebay coincidences, I was selling hundreds of tie tacks to a customer in New York state, we would chat often, and it started to appear to me that she was pumping me about Pooky. Strange how a seemingly friendly relationship between her and I totally collapsed directly after I posted on Gordon's board that I was hip to Pooky's spy!How about the time I was getting all that weird riddle spam that stopped immediately after I changed my password at Hotmail?
It was grating on my sensibilities. I'm not crazy but I was starting to question my sanity, is why I changed the password.Why won't anyone believe me that a 40 something man, who is obviously not gay, is as twisted as a licorice stick? Come on folks, why is he still single? Because he's crazy and no woman would put up with his nonsense for any length of time.We have gotten comfortable with each other, is the one of the reasons I still adore him, and one of the reasons he won't let me go. It's been a long training period that I don't expect people who don't have the New Age back grounds that we do, to understand.Obviously I'm talking to people who are closed minded, no where near enlightened.However, this board serves my purposes as a home camp to get that thread masked.I don't know about trolling, I'm just a happy go lucky kind of gal who doesn't like to have others shit on her. I'm no one's whipped dog.I was only recounting the insane craziness of KHC because, [tiny violins]I'm a poor little victim of his lust and voodoo.[/tiny violins]Look at who he is, "Blessed Be" at the bottom of all his signatures? He's Wiccan.He's a witch and very capable as I am of transversing the astral plain. This is only insane shit for the uninitiated, and believe me, it was a good thing I had some grounding in the occult arts before this whole romance took flight. I would be in a straight jacket in a padded cell if I had not armed myself with reams of knowledge.
One of the reasons I was kicked off the board was because I spoke of Keith's personal life. I've never met the man in RL, so I suspect that the personal life I spoke of is the occult side of KHC that caused the problems.If he had been up front with me I would not have had to bother 3eyes for weeks, and other friends to help me understand what was going on!Yeah I'm out there, but who is to say that the box you call reality is real? I call it a popular illusion. This whole planet is full of the insane from the universe, so what ever...I'm rubber your glue etc.I don't need a shrink, I'm very happy with Keith, now that I have him tamed to the point that he comes when I call and leaves me in peace when I say beat it without coming back to play little games or take his healing skills away.
We are both loners, both healer, both cleaver and practiced in the occult, so we are a good match..There is a reason that he did not step in and it all goes back to the Brazilian Rose. He does believe that the wrong person was perma banned, but there is not that he can do about it, since he left the web site and the board to O. in disgust like so many other members did.What I found repugnant about Keith's board, he's a Wiccan and the board was over run with bible thumping, moral majority zealots! Guess that' why he singled me out as a potential play mate out on the plane.The fact that he used telepathy to haul me out of an auction April 02 the moment he pressed post on his latest message board is my proof that we connect very well. Why thank you Jack,At last, a vote of confidence.
*D. curtsys.*I've had a parade of stalkers for most of my adult life. Since I moved to the back woods, because of the hydro lines, there is a parking spot down the road from me where my stalkers park to view the house. I had a sign up there for a while, it was called, "The Poultry Parking Zone" for chickens and turkeys!
Or I'd find footprints in the snow up on the hill where they can spy on me through huge back windows.One of the blessings of getting older is, so are they and the parking zone has pretty much been deserted.Just waiting for your side of the story I have not written my conclusion as of yet.It wasn't a teddy bear, it was a salamander he threw across the room, during the weeks he tried to get back with me after I banished him. I stopped him throwing my blankets on the floor while I slept by allowing him to come back to me. The night I welcomed him back we bounced that bed for hours, and I awoke to find the blankets exactly as I had left them?He tried it again just to play with me, but I got hip to how he did it, jumped into his body when he was sleeping and using his huge muscles tied his sheets in knots. I bet he had to throw them out! Since then he's been a good little Pooky. I know it sound insane, but it's the only explanation I have for what happened.You did that and he didn't perma ban you? Amazing.Send me the thread please, I'd love to read it.Several times? If you call barging into my bar thread at Gordon's and demanding that I return to Keith's board an olive branch, then your right. No way I was going back without an apology, the only reason I returned is because I missed the board and the IOL needed my attention. There where no olive branches offered me what so ever. I kept all his emails, I reread them recently, no olive branches only threats and black mail. If you can find an olive branch on that board, pass it to me and I will concede that I missed it.My reply to his name calling and black mail was, "Your wish is my command." I worked him up a gif. for, "tongue in cheek" I passed the branch twice, he stomped on it. I stopped calling him an Ogre as he requested, but when he turned around and proved he was, there was no reason for me not to continue to call a spade a spade. Besides, he likes my being candid.Sure if you wanted to stay on the board you had to such up. Call it mending fences if it makes you feel better about the fact that you didn't have the back bone to back me in my effort to rid the board of a nasty troll. You wore blinders where O. was concerned. Nothing I could say or show you as proof would you view in the true light that O. is a psychopathic sicko.You wound me, I was very compassionate and caring when I heard that your sister was not well and tried to help you sort out our feelings for that despotic woman. Your painting her in a light that makes her look like a saint, and you know you two never got along. I tried to help you through that difficult time.Actually I don't want to talk about it, your the one bringing up all the BS from the past, I want that thread masked where the asshole slandered me twice to cover over his trolling, I also want my posts removed. That's it. I am having fun recounting Keith and my courtship though, it's very bizarre!No problem, I'm D.Rabbit on most boards, it's my recreational name, not one of my business names and nothing so far as I've been able to find, other than the Loggins board, shows up with D.Rabbit in the search results. Gordon's board has been purged of the old threads, not that it matters, it's still the black hole in the either.Before I close, I worked up my Politically Correct Seasons Greeting gif today.It looks terrible on a black board so here's the link.
Merry Happy Seasons GreetingsAll! Jacks another ass than, cause I'm not stalking you. Infact I have been avoiding you.
I'd like to say fuck off Gay for your trying to make me look bad, but I'm willing to listen to you. Cause no matter how nasty you get, lady, I'm head and shoulders above you. Don't tell me what to do, get lost with your back room psychiatry Gay.I don't live for the message boards, they are recreation, and I prefer ETU at EI where I notice the trolls haven't got the brain power to invade it.I do wish they would stop wasting Orpheus's time, I'm still waiting for him to finish his journal on "Neandertal DNA Sequences"Yeah I'm an egg head, brilliant and insightful so stop wasting my time.
Yeah, and I eat slow witted trolls like you for breakfast too.How soon they forget how popular I was on Keith's board.How kind and generous, interesting and exciting as well as effectively getting that flirt thread masked. Yeah and Keith called that same day BTW. Guess the thought of him pinning me to wall without using his hands, as his own personal painting turned him on. (sorry ya all missed one of my finer well couched innuendoes) FYI No one said a word to me about the Flirt thread, and I never apologized.I call those silent calls, Obscene phone calls, Not that he says anything, I get obscene on the boards and he calls. He hasn't called since I wrote, "If you took your head out of your pants and put your tongue back in your mouth, maybe you could talk to me.I like the fact that you can be a stupidly mean spirited or a joy sucking vampire on this board and not get the boot!I even like your sad attempt at trolling too, cause I haven't met a troll who's ass I can't kick.By by Gay, nice try but no cigar, your repetitiveness shows lack of creativity.Cait, I use to think better of you, but your just a drunken slut, hack astrologer. Where is that at?
I'm your high priestess of the trolls if given the need to trash anyone, remember how that moron Osiris left the thread in the basement with his tail between his legs? I didn't do it by insulting him either, I put him in his place and gave him good directions to better himself.I've learned I enjoy following the prime objective of making others feel good about themselves more than sucking on their pathetic energy.I don't don't need their weak ineffective energy because I know where the strongest most potent power lies.They don't call me the next messiah because I'm out to win cuddos for being a shit head, prick faced, ass hole.What's the CIA got to do with anything Canadian? Oh wait a minute, they are transporting our countrymen off the continent and torturing them, I almost forgot, you guys don't know about that do you?I do have a clean sheet with the FBI, so far. Yeah they checked me out when my cousin, the sister of the one who teaches 911 call response in La, got a high level job working with the test pilots in AZ.I truly never volunteered for the job of Messiah, some people are born to greatness, others have it thrust upon them. Then there are people like me who search out hand holds so they don't fall into the well of senility!No wait that was my excuse for working on an animated short on politically correct Season's greetings.All the best of the holiday season, to us all.
Let the joyous spirit of this generous season stay with us through out the days of our lives.Give hope and love to all and we shall find purpose and happiness. This is more like the Gay I know, silly and somewhat charming.However, I already live in a "happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds" I don't weave baskets yet, but I was wondering what I was going to do with all the cedar bows I'm trimming off the treesI'm cutting down for fence posts. Yes Gay I own my own chainsaw.So I guess there is not point in "Them" coming to take me away, I'm already there.I'm willing to admit that some of the things that have happened in the past few years has driven me pretty close to over the edge, but I know when to back off and regroup the Consortium, then I get back into the frey.I don't agree, I'm crazy as a fox, but I'm not mad. I'm angry for sure, at that board not letting me go after they kicked me out.What could Keith possibly want with over 4 year old posts, full of empty picture tags, from someone they didn't have the guts to protect from their sick employee? It's not like he hasn't caused the demise of that board. Don't bother defending him Gay, you wouldn't be here or at EI if there was still life left on that board.Maybe that's the answer, the only life left on that board is my old posts. You yourself said you liked to revisit the glory days of the board. DQOS was the glory days of that board. I'm the one who turned the Fun Vote into the media event, not QT, got Keith all hot and bothered not only over the flirt thread but trapping him in the food fight was pure genius. I got his attention didn't I.What about the poetry contest? Express your Love for KHC" I just found my print outs of that thread, no way I'm posting it for a board full of the Ogre's sycophants. Then there where the birthday Calendars. I was executive producer of the first 3, after the members didn't have the manners to thank me I said fuck it. Okay that Mr. Cobb doesn't know how to say thank you, but I made those calendars a reality, they arrived on time and I made sure they arrived, at my expense.I am going to be hosting this years calendar on my web site, but I doubt that the Ogre will allow a link to it. Don't blame me.Yes I'm certifiable, Gordon said so too, " in a good way."Whoops almost forgot.