Dirk Funk
Evil Penguin
omar is legitimaet victuor .
bryng it , litille man .
-emir omar
I'll knock that diaper off your head, boy.
omar is legitimaet victuor .
bryng it , litille man .
-emir omar
I'll knock that diaper off your head, boy.
omar call brothar hasan . he curbstuomp yuo .
western deaeval .
-emir omar
So you'll be genuinely gay from now on? Congrats on your coming out (and just in time for this year's Christopher Street Parade)!I will nevr be fake ghey again!
I never have, not even at wordforge.
I think we should come up with a cool list of different levels for karma like they have on wordforge, but the ones on here will be much cooler!!!
*shrug* TK...
Couldn't happen on Haven.