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Nascent Drama

I never have, not even at wordforge.

I am -32 on wordforge. It's mostly because I told them to quit bitching about personal info being leaked. I didn't understand why they didn't want to be known at all and I still don't get it. In turn they thought I was a dual and neg rep'ed me a shit load. Not as bad as they did to Texas Rose on the "Sokar Can't Even Rep Fight For Himself" thread. They also hate me because I'm not conservative enough for them and don't agree with any of their political beliefs. It's funny how they can't handle a liberal poster!!!!
I say we do all we can on here to try and get Dual's account back into the green. He is at like -3,000,000,000 because he pissed off an admin. It will take a lot of work to get him back to the green (probably impossible), but it could be possible. It would probably take years though.
I think we should come up with a cool list of different levels for karma like they have on wordforge, but the ones on here will be much cooler!!!