I told my grandfather (who I live with) that my girlfriend is coming over tonight to watch a movie. he asked if it was in my filthy room. I said yes. He says, "You better not be doing anything in there!" (remember I'm 19 and she's 21) I started making hip thrusting gestures jokingly.
he says, "If you do anything you better get condoms, but don't do anything." My family is funny. I explained nothing is happening and if it were to, yes I would get condoms, but nothing is happening yet, so he need not worry. He doesn't want me impregnating a girl at 19. Neither she nor I really want to have kids, so we will be careful not to!!! Why plague the gene pool with insanity? As much as both she and I would like to repopulate the planet with intelligence, mental illness is the driving force to not have them. Unless the treatment gets much much better in the future, I don't want kids.