Omar Sharif Jul 28, 2009 #48,865 as omar is king ouf badistan , omar shall mediyaet in yuor conflikt . tel omar how yuo feil . -emir omar
as omar is king ouf badistan , omar shall mediyaet in yuor conflikt . tel omar how yuo feil . -emir omar
Loktar Internet God Jul 28, 2009 #48,866 Omar said: as omar is king ouf badistan , omar shall mediyaet in yuor conflikt . tel omar how yuo feil . -emir omar Click to expand... No conflict. Just fake drama. Thanks for your help anyway.
Omar said: as omar is king ouf badistan , omar shall mediyaet in yuor conflikt . tel omar how yuo feil . -emir omar Click to expand... No conflict. Just fake drama. Thanks for your help anyway.
classichummus on a break from forums Jul 28, 2009 #48,868 The Dork Lord said: Stop stealing my gimmick. Click to expand... At the time I was running out of things to say plus Dual was telling me to "spam more." so I typed that out...:techman:
The Dork Lord said: Stop stealing my gimmick. Click to expand... At the time I was running out of things to say plus Dual was telling me to "spam more." so I typed that out...:techman:
classichummus on a break from forums Jul 28, 2009 #48,873 the middle part was increasing to an amazingly high peak by 10 PM.
Dual RIP Karl 1991-2014 Jul 28, 2009 #48,874 classichummus said: ended really low. Click to expand... Don't you think you might be maximising a tad bit?
classichummus said: ended really low. Click to expand... Don't you think you might be maximising a tad bit?
classichummus on a break from forums Jul 28, 2009 #48,875 then it crashed to a dramatic horrible dismal pit.
Dual RIP Karl 1991-2014 Jul 28, 2009 #48,877 I'll compromise if you're taking it that hard. For $15 (less than the Fedex fee) I'll deliver it to your door tomorrow.
I'll compromise if you're taking it that hard. For $15 (less than the Fedex fee) I'll deliver it to your door tomorrow.
classichummus on a break from forums Jul 28, 2009 #48,878 fuck, well that is better than nothing or fedex. so fine. deal.