You keep posting, I'll keep negging.
Or will I? I bet you'll keep posting for the merest hint of green.
Yes, I posted that. I know you're pathetic enough to have bumped MF karma threads looking for a sympathetic poster to green you up. Sad.
Everything Love Child and Dual have ever said about you is true. You are without a doubt. the most fucking evil and emo douchebag on the internet. Not just emo, but emotionally disturbed. You need help.
The truth is I never joined your board. We both know that. You created a fake account saying I left the Badlands. WTF? I never intended to leave the TK Badlands. I never gave my account away.
I can't believe I ever trusted you. I never will again. You are fucking scum. Stop making up lies about me Pickle! Fucking ASSHOLE!![]()
I told you awhile ago. I wish that facebook saved logs of the chats.
it's the annoying pointless bump's and floods.
he he said it's not about massive floods every night.
bumping a few threads, ok, but more than a page full?
ok, well you have your own new badlands and 3-4 other badlands, so go flood those.
you're obviously getting worked up. why don't you get to bed jeffy. it's 4:21 AM for you. get some sleep.