Internet God
You're in this mess whether you want to be or not.
Kitty: I think I'll play nice for awhile.
At the same time:
Kitty: I'm the real Loktar.
I've noticed TK has been running slow lately. Was there a decision in the Briefing Room to archive large chunks of the Badlands and Minefield within the next two days?
Indeed. It shall be spared the wrath.
The Minefield shan't be harmed.
How much of TK's bandwidth is the Badlands currently draining? How much are some of the ridiculously large threads (merged or not) contributing to that?
Where do you get those stats?
Fine don't believe me. I'm telling the TRUTH. I thought we could reconcile and move on but I guess not. Our friendship is officially over.
If you were as smart as I thought, you'd have known if someone has your password, THEY CAN LOG ON AS YOU, GENIUS! No matter what, wheter you check a little box or not.
Now, if you're going to play nice and not be a jerk, we can get back to the whole being friends thing. I couldn't care less wheter you like Dirk is a cool guy or whatever, just a long as your shitting on Pickle, Kitty and me ends.
Two days? Why not now?
Beach blanket bibble.
My guess is that most of the Badlands will be archived by an Admin in the next few days.
Hummus shits on himself. Besides, I've retracted my claws. Dirk and I have been getting along swimmingly over the last couple of days.
Because Pickle or some one on behalf of Pickle is still messing with my account it seems.
Pickle's only Internet friend. Part 30O3908737964987463 - The Bucketz, The Bibble.
So the turd fight is over?