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Nascent Drama

The New Zealand band the Mutton Birds has a song called "Green Lantern", about someone whose status in life has diminished. The refrain has the narrator assuring the subject, "you're still the Green Lantern to me."
The German rock band Blue Harvest composed a song called Green Lantern, which named and described all the Earthborn Lanterns from Alan Scott to Kyle Rayner. The song is listed as track 15 on their album "Rub the Slave"
HipHop DJ DJ Green Lantern named himself after the character and is wearing a green hooded sweater with the Green Lantern insignia on the chest on the cover art for his Alive On Arrival CD.
Green Lantern is the dance name, (nickname), of Popper/Hip Hop Dancer Manny Simmons. Earlier in his career it was spelled "Green Lanturn" as a pun for the multiple turns he would do as well as his interests in the comics.

Warner Bros. plans to make a movie based on Green Lantern, with a tentative release in 2010. Greg Berlanti is assigned to direct the film. Casting details are not yet available, but the film is likely to focus on Hal Jordan becoming the Green Lantern as well as his first assignment as a member of the Green Lantern Corps[6].

John Stewart, Hal Jordan's backup Green Lantern, was slated to appear in Warner Bros' 2009 live action Justice League movie, before it was shelved in April 2008.[7]

The Hurricane - World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)'s character. Gregory Helms is a comics fan and has a Green Lantern tattoo on his right shoulder. His love of comics was turned into a wrestling character or "gimmick". His favorite Lantern is Kyle Rayner.
Green Lantern is a featured character in the short fan films Losing Lois Lane and Grayson. Although these fan films are based respectively on the Superman and Batman mythos, Green Lantern is presumably featured for his long-time membership in the Justice League of America).
Liberal pundit and blogger Matthew Yglesias has ascribed to conservative advocates of U.S. military intervention in the Middle East the "Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics." Yglesias characterized adherents to this "theory" as people who believe "American military might" is like a Green Lantern's power ring, "that, roughly speaking, we can accomplish absolutely anything in the world through the application of sufficient military force. The only thing limiting us is a lack of willpower." [1] [2] "The Green Lantern Theory" has since become an meme among liberal bloggers.[3]
In the movie I Am Legend the bottom of a Green Lantern movie poster can be seen in the background accompanied by a Teen Titans movie poster above the "Box Sets" shelves behind a family of mannequins (a woman in white, a man in brown and two children) and a second Green Lantern poster can be seen on a column above two female mannequins as Will Smith is walking out of a store. (since the movie is set in the future this was put in as an easter egg by the director as possible movies to be made[citation needed])
See also

List of Green Lanterns
Green Lantern Corps
Power Ring
Doctor Spectrum a Marvel superhero based on the Green Lantern as a homage.
Sinestro Corps
List of Green Lantern enemies